Marcus looked down at the girls dog then at her chuckling a little bit. "Why should you trust me? Seriously? I saw you before you even knew I was here. I have a rifle, I could of hid and taken both of you out and stole your shit. Piece of cake, but I didn't. I thought I'd try my luck. With that crossbow aimed and that dog on attack mode it sure seems like I made the wrong choice." Marcus shrugged and crossed his arms over his chest before taking a look around. Call him paranoid he hated staying in one spot for too long these days. Always moving and never stopping. He looked back at the girl still smirking a little bit. "Now I think you, your dog, and me can work together. I don't see the point in fighting now days. Everyone wants to kill each other for supplies. That's pointless, what we should be doing is working together. Something tells me we'd all live through this is we all just got along, sadly though that'll never happen with some people. So you have a few choices missy. You can pull that trigger on your crossbow, tell your attack dog to rip my throat out, just forget we ever saw each other and go our own ways, or we could partner up for a bit. I'll be honest I don't have much to offer when it comes to food and water but I'm able to defend myself. It's the reason I'm still alive....if that wasn't clear." He said with a small chuckle still looking at the girl. "So? What do you say?"