She was caught off guard by his sudden and firm grip on her wrist, but she wasn't about to step out of something she had already agreed to. He didn't even give her time to brace for the pain, the cut made her flinch, but luckily the man's grip held firm. Suddenly he cut his own palm and held her bleeding hand in his like a handshake. She felt a strange sensation as if his blood was pushing into her hand? As the man told her the instructions, she silently nodded as she took mental notes of what she needed to do. [color=ed1c24][i]Stop a convoy huh...[/i][/color] She thought. She looked at him straight in the face, [color=ed1c24][b]"I'll accept."[/b][/color] she responded firmly, just as she felt a strange warmth rush through her body.. She didn't know what it was, but it was definitely something that wasn't normal. She wasn't about to regret her decision and she felt that she wouldn't regret it either. She took mental notes of the numbers that he gave her, making some sort of strategy in her head. Of course it involved eliminating the scouts. She felt that the scouts should always be removed so she can focus on the pack. But how would she stop a caravan that large? A few ideas came to mind. She followed after him, wanting to ask him a few questions. She kept silent and watchful as they walked. She noticed that he was walking a little heavier now, leaving dull footprints in the thin layer of dirt on the road, but she didn't know why. She knew it was on purpose though. She wordlessly watched as the man picked the lock of a pottery and ceramics shop, she slipped in after him with similar nimbleness, quietly closing the door behind them. She joined him on the second story of the building only to see him staring out the window, to what she made out to be the depot and barracks. She stayed a little further back in the room, away from the window. [color=ed1c24][b]"You wouldn't happen to know where I can get some fire crackers, would you?"[/b][/color] She inquired with a slightly hushed voice. Fire crackers were uncommon, even rare among common folk and they were often produced within the shadier part of Azure Strand. Her mother once show her how to use fire crackers to scare people, it was all in good fun. But this time it was to serve a more sinister purpose.