[h1]Himura Household // 7 June // Sunday[/h1] Jun sighed as she sat down at the table with her mother, dressed in an expensive kimono and waiting for her father to see their guests in. Normally her presence wasn't required during her father's business meetings, but the old man had insisted on Jun being home today. It usually meant that she was to be used as some bargaining chip to leverage a deal in her father's favor. It wouldn't be the first time he attempted to whore her out to some rich merchant's son or a young rising politician. It was fortunate then that none of them had insisted on her hand in marriage so far to cement the deal. She tuned out most of what happened, nodding politely and replying with courteousness whenever she needed to deflect the conversation, but thankfully the young son of Asada Industries' CEO seemed to be nervous and shy about the whole meeting and didn't seem at all keen to force his presence on Jun. When the meal was done and Jun was instructed to "show him around", the two walked silently along the halls of the house with nary a word. It was a pleasant change, that the potential fiance her parents were trying to set her up with wasn't bragging about his wealth or influence or trying to charm his way into Jun's pants. The young man seemed to be giving her quite the personal space. Jun smiled to herself at that. "Kirigaya-san, you're awfully quiet." She attempted conversation with her guest, deciding to be nice to him since he was being scarily considerate. "When my father tries to arrange a meeting between a young man and me, they're usually a lot more bold." "Ah, sorry. I'm just not used to this." The boy replied, laughing nervously. He stepped a little closer, no doubt feeling a little awkward to hold a conversation at arm's length. "Truth is, I have a girl I fancy in school already. It's not something teenagers usually talk to their parents about, so..." "Oh? I'm usually the one doing the rejecting but this time I've been pre-empted, huh?" Jun joked, laughing lightly. "What's she like? Have you confessed to her yet?" As long as the servants saw her chatting amicably with the young man, there would be no drama later. It didn't seem like he would be interested in accepting his parents' proposal for the two of them to get together anyway. She could at least make an attempt at being civil, if for no reason other than to avoid the usual tantrum from her father. "Ah, not yet." Kirigaya replied as his cheeks went red. "She's the class rep, and pretty popular in the class. She's dependable, bubbly and hardworking. She sits beside me in class, but I don't really talk to her much..." Jun chuckled. "You should say something to her. Girls like that don't stay single for long." The conversation continued for the next half an hour, Jun encouraging her guest to make a move on his crush, cracking a few jokes at his expense while hinting at her own orientation to make sure he didn't get the wrong idea. The guy was nice enough not to make a fuss out of it and apologized for how awkward meetings like that must be for Jun. Why couldn't more of the elite's children be like him? When it was time for them to leave, their guests left without taking any offense from the young girl for once. Her father seemed to think she had finally met a young man she liked, and Jun didn't bother correcting him. He was technically correct in his presumptions, though the nuance was a little different. [h1] Warakuma Mall // Sun Drop Cafe[/h1] Jun hummed a merry tune as she entered the hall, in a good mood for once after her father left the house. It was rare that she was made to attend these arranged meetings and didn't raise hell with her father afterwards. Even her bodyguards were nice enough to give her a wide berth. Still, attending to unwanted guests was tiring, and Jun decided it was time to entertain her own desires. She entered into the cosplay cafe, in the middle of a performance. It seemed like this cafe spent more money entertaining its customers than it could possibly make in a week. She sat down at a corner table, taking out the latest volume of [i]Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun[/i] and reading it while she waited for one of the waiters to get to her. She was quickly becoming a regular here, she mused, if her weekend routine became any more, well, routine. The past few weekends of utilizing this cafe as her own reading corner seemed to have paid off since her guards usually left her alone once she entered.