[COLOR=lightblue][b][u]Energy Twinkle[/u][/b] The only reason she was even speed-walking at the moment was to restrain herself from outright running off. Had she done so, it would have left her friend behind and would completely defeat the purpose of bringing him along. Energy just grinned back at Rhys, her sky blue eyes gleaming. "[b]I kinda did. Sorry 'bout that, big guy[/b]," she replied, humour evident in her voice with a tone that implied that she was, in fact, not sorry at all. She abruptly stopped, her ears flicking as she glanced around the area. The part of the forest they were in looked no different than any other part of it but that was precisely why she had chosen that spot. "[i]After all, it would be really bad if any other dragon or human had found it here.[/i]" She chased away the thought, reassuring herself with the unlikelihood of anyone coming across what she had hidden there. "[b]Well, you're in luck! We're here~[/b]" she chirped excitedly, bouncing on her paws. Stopping just as abruptly as she had begun bouncing, she looked around again, this time scrutinising each tree close to them. Her gaze fell onto a tree with a trunk as thick and rough as any other but had four small ferns drooping slightly at its roots, vaguely resembling a peeled banana, without the banana. Twitching her tail, Energy's diamond blue stripes began to give off a low glow as she focused her telekinesis on the spot with the ferns. Almost casually, a few pawfuls of dirt, as well as the ferns, was lifted out of the ground, a second item following and drifting towards Energy. With a happy squeak, she snatched it with her tail, dumping the levitating soil and plantation back where it belonged and the thin magical blue aura surrounding it disappeared, as did the glow radiating off her stripes. "[b]Guess what I found in my parents' cave last night![/b]" she said, practically filled from head to tail with exhilaration, once again bouncing on her paws. Her tail, which was extended above her head, was curled tightly around a scroll, complete with a magic seal and parchment paper.[/COLOR]