[hider=Richard Fowl] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/X2ylw9H.jpg[/img][/center] [h3][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Richard Fowl[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]19[/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Male[/indent] [b]Appearance & Attire:[/b] [indent]How the guileful youth adheres to the aesthetic principles of society deemed far more than an intractable notion one couldn't simply influence. It is a rather simplistic judgement he himself had embraced. knowing that the leverage of the outside world is prone to shrivel his sense of individuality, thus developing a conviction to circumstances he held and believed to be factors that defined his audacious facade. More often than not, he glowers at fashion trends and mockingly regards them as an illusion which deludes feeble individual minds, hungry to accord with insignificant matters they foolishly incorporate themselves with. Scrabbling around Richard's fairly tall exterior, ascribes a young Canadian who spent an enormous fraction of his life away from the mishaps and upheavals dawdling at the outside world. His pale complexion is often an indirect subject towards his true being ― whether or not he's an exaggerated epitome of isolated individuals who are frequent users of occult magic that makes them eternally younger. With his fiery orange hair, there can be times when it'd be barely easy for a particular person to let it go unnoticed. This had Richard annoyed through a number of occasions as some of his recent peers often joked about it, lately forcing him to keep it regularly trimmed as to not strike any attention from people who are too drawn to it. Besides that, other co-existing features are his grey eyes, thin nose and a well-rounded face structured by defining cheekbones and an oval chin. In terms of body build, Richard is of the average kind with narrow shoulders and thin muscles adorning the entirety of his physique, all due to frequent inactivity towards physical development. He considered these things to be largely unnecessary as he preferred developing his mind more, believing that it has far more superior influence than the petty physical appearances he discerns as an oozing hindrance. As a person who deviates away from ridiculous fashion trends, Richard keeps his style of clothing in a reasonably unsophisticated approach. Often does he make a habit of collecting plain shirts with assorted colours. Normally, he'd wear either a t-shirt or a sweatshirt along with a pair of cargo shorts. Occasionally, he wears standard polo shirts and jeans for casual wear and if needed to, he integrates himself to formal wear whenever attending particular events.[/indent] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [indent]Richard possesses an ample set of skills ranging from cognitive reasoning to speech construction, all of which were developed from his eager interest of learning. He's been an avid participator of various academic contest throughout the recent years of his life until his breakdown and the publicity of his true self. Other than that, Richard also exhibits a certain skill in singing and of course, this doesn't mesh with the benefits he can have from his powers as his voice is an inherited attribute from his mother. [/indent] [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] [indent]Being conferred to a lifestyle embellished with prestige and luxury wasn't always a definitive evidence of unmitigated satisfaction nor a prerequisite to guaranteed happiness. Perhaps it was for others, but for Richard, his views were just too indulged with the sullenness of pessimism. His perspective was always embroidering contradictory intuitions, often questioning and pointing whatever's unnecessary to bring into context. His ways are undoubtedly questionable and illogical at some aspects despite being a person of unprejudiced intellect. Rarely does he encounter existential turning points as he ceaselessly questioned his purpose in life of either being destined to servitude, as what he thought most people were put into or be ridiculed by love. Neither was it the former nor the latter as Richard's reluctance to uncover his own truths gave a tad of enjoyment towards the uncertain world. He realized that being foolish has its advantages and living a life not knowing of the truth was something which made things more alive. For the most part, his endearing self-proclamation of such became a pillar of his own prosperity. With him dealing less of his existence had him progress over his academic pursuits during his life spent in normality. Truth to be told, wealth wasn't always what he wanted as his insatiable quench for knowledge flourished a virtuous ambition towards an upright claim of power. Richard wanted to be someone highly influential, something more than just a successor of his parents' petty industry. With that envisioned, his relentless determination conquered a path of endless achievements as Richard showed more of his intellectual capability towards the masses. He continued moving forward until meeting the last moments of his short-lived glory. At the age of 17, he suffered from a nervous breakdown due to the sheer amounts of stress he worked himself into just to attain his goals. Symptoms exhibited severe cases of depression and occasional panic attacks which eventually became the main cause of his self-harming. One untimely day had Richard inflict several injuries upon himself by using a kitchen knife, later sending him to the hospital due to how critical the injuries were. It was at that place where Richard's uniqueness was discovered which then became the principal reason of segregating from his family and ambitions. Upon release, Richard's parents arranged plans to send him to a mental institution to further recover himself from depression but with his certain uniqueness, both of them had set up research for a better solution. Later on, they've contacted NEST and informed them about their son and his abilities which seemed vague to them at first. After a few months, Richard was sent to an Alaskan academy that housed different people of his special kind. [/indent] [h3][u][b]Power Information[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Elemental[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [indent]Richard is able to manipulate and alter the trajectory of sound waves by projecting a disruption of his own, disseminating an oscillation different from what was initially produced. Basically, it's a sound modification and this power alone can be somehow categorized as a type of auditory illusion. From the primary sounds produced by a particular medium, their properties will undergo drastic change once the power is conjured, emanating alterations thereafter. These changes can simply be observable through one's perception whereas from the originator of the produced sounds, it has no effect. To simply put, the transmitter is completely immune to the changes and alteration of sound waves as they will be hearing the exact sounds they've produced. On the other hand, the receiver's perception is toyed and will be noticing a different resonance but aren't wary of the changes. Amplification and muting exemplify some of the powers applications but there are a variety which are yet to be mentioned. In terms of efficiency, the power is not able to modify a multitude of sound waves originating from a several number of mediums. Although it doesn't entirely mean that Richard is unable to alter multiple projections, he simply just couldn't handle a specific volume of it. In addition to Richard's powers, he is able to mimic voices of different people and animals ― an enjoyable attribute he lately used for occasional comedic exploits.[/indent] [b]Limits:[/b] [indent]As mentioned before, Richard's powers are merely limited to modify and alter a specific quantity of sound waves. One notable ground for its restriction is perhaps the mind, as it is the core operator of Richard's power system. Every sound wave coming from a medium requires a link in order for them to be accustomed to modification. Richard's mind will need to work strenuously in order to attain control over a large sum of sound waves which will undoubtedly strain his overall aptitude. Mental instability also affects the modification/alteration of sound waves. Recognizable examples are ranged from incomplete alterations, meaning that the sound propagation aren't completely changed as there are few elements of the original content that can still be heard. With that, there should be a firm hold of Richard's mental prowess as it can directly affect the flow of his powers in a variety of glitches. [/indent] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [indent]Focus is predominantly, a vital component which allows Richard's power to work accordingly as it affiliates most of his mind power. It will only mean that any forces that can potentially interrupt his stand of concentrating is bound to nullify his powers. While Richard can also modify or alter sound waves that are produced simultaneously from a number of mediums/instruments, it can somehow strain his mind to the point where it borders beyond the normal capacity. Once possible, results will be in the form of sound glitches/distortion, inaccuracy of voice mimicking and at times, tend to cause the powers to be utterly useless. Additionally, the power is mostly non-existent towards people with precognitive abilities ― only when they fall to the receiver side since the power has no known effects to the transmitter aside from noticing the reactions of the receivers.[/indent] [h3][u][b]Relationships[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT]Martha Fowl - mother Althurius Fowl - father[/INDENT] [b]Dynamics:[/b] [indent]Basically your character's relationship with other characters. [b] {Character Name} [/b] | [b] {Impression (Good/Bad/Neutral} [/b] | [b] {Relationship (Friend, Rival, Crush, etc)}[/b] | {Character Thoughts via in-character quote} |[/indent] [h3][u][b]Other[/b][/u][/h3] [list][*]Richard's sarcasm is often misunderstood as a portrayal of sympathy and friendliness. [*]Dislikes cats, not a dessert person, and prefers tea over coffee. [/list][/hider] Kinda have some doubts regarding the powers and how it will make any sense but anyway, just gonna throw this in and see if it meets the standards.