I hope I'm supposed to post my characters here, in the OOC? XD [hider=The Devil] [center] [img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/f9b840c6ea2346b506423e03ee673ac6/tumblr_nrlj4bVIEO1ub8kpao1_500.gif[/img] Name: Praxis Age: 17 Personality: Praxis is seen by most as mischievous and occasionally arrogant young man. He has a habit of provoking and mocking others, and starting fights. He's known for his cunning wit, alongside his natural talent for strategy as well as pokemon battling. He's someone who enjoys teasing others, and he's always been thoroughly interested in the human mind. He tends to take delight in making others frustrated or flustered, and is always looking for interesting people to interact with. Although he seems like the lackadaisical type, he's actually very dedicated to his cause and is a diligent worker. However, he tends to only do favors when there's something for him to gain from them. He tends to not be interested in charity, and has a pessimistic view of the world, and of humanity in general. He believes that it's either kill or be killed within the world, and has become very cruel and thick-skinned due to his past. Praxis dislikes showing any type of weakness, and always attempts to shoulder his problems on his own. He dislikes getting assistance, because he feels taking care of his own issues will make him stronger-and in turn more able to protect the only person in the world who matters to him. Praxis isn't someone who gets offended easily. He's patient and knows how to bide time. He's incredibly intellectual, and doesn't hesitate to correct others when they're wrong. He has a deep-rooted hatred for bigots and will eliminate them at any opportunity. He's also an extremely brutal person who doesn't hesitate to carry out gruesome missions. He isn't volatile, though, and doesn't have mood swings. He has a stable mind set and is able to conduct himself skillfully in a social setting. He's intuitive, and he tends to use this to his advantage when speaking with others. He's especially handy when it comes to negotiations, because of his skill when it comes to seeing how others are truly feeling. Often he is able to gauge how others will react to certain comments. His social skills and sharp mind are certainly an asset to any side he joins. But he can be a bit of a problem child. He at times will disobey orders for his own amusement. Most of his antics are mild mischief towards others. He only becomes vicious towards people unaffiliated to his cause, or to his enemies. He's not completely loyal to any side he joins, either. He tends to shift sides depending on which aligns the most with his personal goals. Praxis is incredibly loyal. However, he's only this way towards one person, and tends to use others for his benefit, or rather, for the benefit of the person he loves. He's vicious when he feels the need to be. His morals are loose and he tends to believe himself as above the law. He's often the most willing out of anyone to stand up to someone or to correct someone. He is often willing to say what needs to be said, when others are too afraid to state the truth. He knows not to be foolishly brave, though. There's a type of power that even he is not capable of reaching yet. He knows that patience is a key component to any plan, but he's only willing to wait so long. The person he loves the most has little time left to live, and he knows that he'll need to make quick decisions in the future for her benefit. He doesn't care if it takes sacrificing his own being and soul to save her. He'll do anything it takes. His dedication is the purest kind. He becomes protective quickly, and will not hesitate to exterminate any threat to her existence. He's done so before, and now with the aid of Team Flare, he's definitely not afraid to do so again. He doesn't consider anyone else in his life to his friend. History: Praxis was abandoned at an incredibly young age. From age seven to eight, he was a street child who stole to survive and at times ate out of trash cans. He was alone, and looked down upon in the city of Lumiose for the fact that he was utterly homeless. He was eventually taken in by police, who relocated him to an orphanage close to Shalour City. It was a warm climate, and rarely did the weather ever turn severe. Still, many of the children refused to like him due to his scrawny appearance and brutal manners, which he obtained from living on the edge of death for so long. It didn't help that he was incredibly prone to being smart mouthed with the other children, and often proved his superior intellect to them in an arrogant manner. No one was willing to accept him. Until Carna came along. At first, he refused to even look at her. But she brought him his meals, visited him every day, and often attempted to interact with him. She saved him from other bullies at the orphanage. Eventually, he opened up to her. She was the only one willing to befriend him and stand up to him. She was the first person within his life who ever gave him a second glance. When her other friends abandoned her, after they saw her with him, she still persisted in being his friend. By the time they reached their early teen years, she was the most important person in his life. Eventually, the two became very isolated within the orphanage. Although they were very intelligent in school, many children stayed away from them, more or less due to Praxis's unpleasant attitude. Wishing to see the world, they hatched a plan to run away from the small orphanage that they grew up in. Two years passed, and most of their time was spent researching different regions, as well as where to obtain Pokemon. Praxis knew that they could earn money from pokemon battling. However, at the last moment, their plans were discovered. Fortunately, the orphanage's leader allowed them to leave to the region they had decided on--the Fordis region. With two pokeballs in hand, Praxis and Carna went to Fordis, searching for a better life. Team: Poochyena-Akeldama-Level 6-Adamant-Moxie-Play Rough, Sucker Punch, Tackle, Howl Bag: Medicine: TMs/HMs: Berries: Key Items:[/center] [/hider] [hider=The Lovers] [center] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/90ce666232d50767f3128f3d2d841162/tumblr_mz937jcvWG1r3vt93o4_r1_500.gif[/img] Name: Carna Age: 17 Personality: Carna is a graceful and patient young woman, who appreciates any kind deed done for her. Her generosity knows no limits, and she's always attempting to befriend and assist others. As a friend, she is incredibly supportive, and she is one of the most loyal people around. However, should her friends attempt to harm Praxis, they will find themselves quickly put in their place. She's incredibly motherly, and is always baking and cooking for her friends. She often scolds her allies whenever they act recklessly, and she's always willing to help almost anyone out. She's extremely charitable, and also extremely intellectual. She has an adept memory and is always organized. She makes weekly schedules and is never late to a meeting, appointment or anything else of the sort. She has trouble with harming others, and is extremely mentally delicate. Although socially able to interact with others, her feelings can be harmed easily. But she tends to not let her true feelings show, even when she's in pain. Carna, despite appearing mellow and motherly, has a deadly wit and is willing to harm others on a dime should they attempt to harm Praxis. She also has a habit of attempting to fix issues that she's not involved with. Her natural feeling of protectiveness can lead to her being nosy. She becomes lonely very easily, but doesn't fear abandonment. She also is incredibly honest, and dislikes lying. She doesn't have a manipulative bone in her body, and most of her flaws are within her self-confidence. She believes herself to be weak and incapable of living on her own. She desperately wants to be of use to others, and as a result can exhaust herself in attempting to do so. She feels purposeless in life, especially with her health, and wishes to make the most of the time that she has left. She's extremely dedicated to loving and helping those around her-yet she lacks love for herself. She's always good at giving sage advice, and has good judgement in almost any situation. She's patient, if not a bit meek, when she speaks with others who have bolder personalities. Although she hates being interrupted in the middle of speaking, she won't do anything to stand up for herself. She has a deep love of humanity, and hates the idea of harming another person. She believes that all life is sacred and that all people should be given second chances. Carna is someone who knows her own limits and is often attempting to expand upon them. She's always attempting to better herself in every way and wants to be stronger and better for her friends and allies. She feels as though she wants to protect the life around her. She's always very grateful to anyone who is nice to her. She isn't naive, however, and can often tell when others are lying. She is deeply intuitive and in tune with emotions that others may be feeling. She has an extreme amount of empathy within her. She's also incredibly responsible and never attempts to shirk her responsibilities. She absolutely hates letting others down, which is why she does many favors for many people. She does not allow herself to get stepped all over, though. She knows when others are attempting to take advantage of her kindness and will harshly scold them. She has a strong mind and a good memory. She's very studious and is constantly attempting to obtain more knowledge and experience in life, believing that such things will make her a better person in the future. She also is very timely. She doesn't stay up too late at night, and maintains a healthy sleep schedule. History: Carna was left at the orphanage on the day she was born. Her mother died in childbirth and her father was heartbroken. Thus, he left her in the orphanage's care. Carna was an intelligent child, who was popular due to her kindness and generosity. She was very loving towards the other children in the orphanage, and often dedicated her time to helping cook meals for the other orphanage residents. The warm climate and mild weather only helped her feel cheery. However, when a young boy named Praxis entered the orphanage-she noticed that many refused to even go near him. He needed a friend, she decided, and devoted her time to interacting with him. After several attempts, and after defending him from bullies, she gained his trust, and quickly became incredibly close with him. She was heartbroken when her friends betrayed her, and she refused to go back to them. They said they would be her friends again if she left Praxis alone, and she decided that they weren't true friends at all. Thus, Praxis became her only friend. And she ceased caring about what any other orphanage child thought of her, much to the frustration of the other children. The two became very isolated from the other children. Although lonelier than she had been before, she put her trust in Praxis when he suggested running away. Although they were two of the smartest children in their grade, she knew that if they remained in the orphanage, they wouldn't have promising futures. The possibility of getting adopted without Praxis coming along terrified her. Thus, two years were spent planning a trip. They intended to go a region less traveled, Fordis. However, their plans were discovered when one of the other children found out their intentions and spilled to an orphanage worker. Fortunately, they were still allowed to leave. They were given pokemon, and soon were sent off to Fordis. Team: Audino-Cleric-Level 7-Bold-Regenerator-Wish, Play Nice, Refresh, Helping Hand Bag: Medicine: TMs/HMs: Berries: Key Items: [/center] [/hider]