[b]Starting Date and Time:[/b] 61st Day of Ceruleo, 300 DM, Early morning [b]Starting Location:[/b] Western Outskirts of Ruby Banks [b]CS URLs:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3159432]Zenovia[/url] & [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2868027]Verissa Beatrix Greenlakes aka Trix[/url] [hider=Purchases] Red Wine, Barrel, Local - 40 GP Cinnamon (1 lb) - 1 GP Lemons (1 lb) - 2 GP Oranges (1 lb) - 2 GP Cloves (1 lb) - 15 GP Cardamom (1 lb) - 10 GP Cauldron, Iron, 30 Gallon - 30 GP Brandy, Bottle - 3 GP Firewood, 1 day - 1 CP Table, Average, White Oak - 1 GP Chair, Average, White Oak - 3 SP Flint and Steel - 1 GP Lumber, White Oak - 10 GP Woodworker Labor - 2 GP [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/e5/2d/b0/e52db010319117ec7f65fde7f6e337e7.jpg]Courtier's Outfit[/url] - 30 GP Total - 135 GP, 3 SP, 1 CP [/hider] Trix awoke, stretching and turning between her covers. As usual, her feet were being warmed by her ever constant companion, Remus, while Remilia chose to sleep on the floor, next to her bed, between it and the door. Today was a big day, and she had much to do. Today was the Winter Moon Festival. The village had been preparing for easily a ten-day. Trix had claimed her spot early, having placed her table a few nights ago. It helped that her home was on the outskirts of town, she'd been able to see the preparations out her shop's window. She slipped out from under her covers, feeling the chilly air creeping up her bare legs, leaving her shivering in her slip. The fire in her hearth was low, and she moved over to the small pile of wood she kept next to it. She set the logs in there, making a nice neat pile. Looking at her pups, smiling, [color=f6989d][i][b]"Let's go outside."[/b][/i][/color] Feet carrying her over the cold wood, she moved through her flat, into the shop, then back into her apothecary, feeling the rising sun stream through, warming her. Her apothecary smelled wonderful, filled with the many dried herbs, hanging from strings to the rafters, stacked on shelves, in various sacks and jars. She had no fresh plants, very few plants thrived the cold winters here. She had a few heartier ones out in the yard, mostly shrubs and bushes. She opened her back door, and the pups led the way out. Leaving the door open, she let them go about their business as she relieved herself into her chamber pot as well. Trix made her way back outside, rubbing her bare arms against the chill. Her pups were doing their checking of their domain, sniffing their way along the fence line, and once satisfied, they returned to their mother. She knelt down, rubbing both their heads, [color=f6989d][i][b]"Good job you two, all safe now?"[/b][/i][/color] They didn't respond, but she broadened her smile at them anyways. [color=f6989d][i][b]"Time to go pick up our orders."[/b][/i][/color] She went back in, and put on her slip and dress that she'd bought just for this festival, forgoing her standard boots for matching slippers. She slipped out the front of her shop, locking it behind her, the pups taking their spots, Remilia out in front with Remus at her side. Their first stop was by the local woodworker's shop, Phrenwig's Haul. It was an impressive shop, built by the owner and his children, craftsman and lumberjacks from Green Fall. Two stories, and quite long, entirely handcrafted from the finest of hardwoods. She pushed her way through the door, her pups following her in, greeted by one of the owner's many children, a tall blonde boy that was obviously younger, but his body's muscles made it seem if he were older. But his age was given away as his voice cracked in his greeting, a flush filling in his cheeks, [b][i][color=fff200]"Welcome Miss Greenlakes, doin' well today I hope?"[/color][/i][/b] She smiled at the boy, [b][i][color=f6989d]"Yes, thank you Lucas."[/color][/i][/b] [b][i][color=fff200]"How might I help you today? I imagine it will be taken care of quickly, not a lot of work going on today anywhere."[/color][/i][/b] [b][i][color=f6989d]"So I noticed, town is all moving westward, getting ready. I ordered a large cauldron, and I need a stand to hang it from, tall enough to build a fire under it, and maybe steps to get up to it."[/color][/i][/b] The boy nodded at all this, [color=fff200][i][b]"Should be easy enough, if you don't mind us using cheap wood, parts and labor will be fourteen golds."[/b][/i][/color] Trix felt this was a bit high, [color=f6989d][i][b]"Seems a bit high for such a simple task. I could just ask Edoward to do it, and while it would be of lesser quality, it would get the job done. And its not like you're turning away customers today."[/b][/i][/color] The boy looked a bit uncomfortable, he wasn't used to people negotiating the price. He stammered a bit, [color=fff200][i][b]"I-- you--, okay. Twelve golds."[/b][/i][/color] [color=f6989d][i][b]"My table is labeled, just pick a spot near it. Thank you Lucas. And have a lovely day."[/b][/i][/color] She turned on her heels, content with herself, [color=f6989d][i][b]"Let's go Remus, Remilia."[/b][/i][/color] She left the shop, making her way to the market, where she picked up her grocery order, one of the teamsters carrying her barrel of wine to her table. Lucas and his sister Vera were already setting up the stand, making quick work of the wood. Shortly after, the cauldron she ordered arrived from the blacksmith's. The siblings had finished the stand, so the blacksmith hung it up for her, and he even dumped the barrel in too. She thanked him kindly, and soon found herself alone, not counting the pups, at her table. She went back to her shop, gathering her firewood in her arms, straining under the weight, wobbling as she carried it back. Once back at her table, she deposited the wood beneath the cauldron, wiping sweat from her brow. She laid out the rest of the ingredients on her table, the brandy, the fruit, the spices, the herbs she provided herself. Today, she was going to make mulled wine for the festival. It was just after the eighth stretch, and the festivities didn't start for two more stretches. More than enough time. She bent down with her flint and steel, striking and striking, but not getting any of the sparks to catch, forgetting she had no tinder. She continued struggling, getting more and more frustrated by the passing slips.