[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/HtLvUaB.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=F7CCEE][b]SOLIDER Base; Archives[/b][/color][/center][hr] Quill sat at one of the ornate desks that occupied the archive room. Well, room wasn't the correct term for it, given it's size. The room could house twenty separate rooms in it and it was filled with different files, books, literature, anything a girl's heart desires. There were other people roaming around. A few other SOLDIER cadets were out and about, some higher-ups fiddling with some papers, two SOLDIER students who she was pretty sure only came here to find a quiet space to make-out in. She didn't pay much attention. The files before her were various in nature. Some read about the different areas outside of the base, some were bestiaries on different creatures encountered, others were reports given by scouting parties and recon groups. She had to admit, it fascinated her. She had been cooped up here for so long, she yearned for the chance to finally go out there and show what she's worth. Grueling hours of combat training, met with first aid classes, met with other subjects of varying natures and all it got her thus far was an uncomfortable bed, daily exercise and food, and some other people she'd been paired with who she didn't consider friends, but didn't consider them unfriendly. She hadn't realized that some guy had been staring at her the whole time and finally took the courage to walk up and stand in front of her at the other side of the desk. "You're a busy little thing, aren't you?" he asked in a way she assumed he was being flirty and cute. It only annoyed her. She remained silent. "I mean look at all these papers. You know you don't have to study anymore right? Why not take a break and go have some fun?" She remained silent. The man was obviously not taking the hint and sat down across from her and put his arms on the desk, covering up a few of the files, "Come on, we can do whatever you want. We could even take a stroll around the base and just talk. Please?" She remained silent. The man sighed, "Wow, the others were right. You are an ice bitch." At that Quill shot up, took the man's arm and head and slammed it into the desk. He didn't realize it until his forehead made contact with the desk and he yelped in pain. "Ah dammit! What the hell?!" he muttered. "The first three times you asked didn't make it clear. I am not interested. Please leave me alone." The man looked shocked as Quill let him go and sat at the desk again and began reading the files as if nothing happened. He looked around to see if anyone else saw that, but everyone else seemed to be in their own world. That, or they did, and wanted to remain oblivious. He wasn't having it. "Oh no, I am not done. What makes you think you can just do that to someone? Someone who was trying to be nice to you." He walked around the desk and laid a hand on her shoulder. That was a mistake. She sighed and stood up. The man grinned until her knee made contact with his gut. He lurched forward and she took that opportunity to uppercut him and make him stumble backwards, falling over a chair and tumbling back. He groaned and writhed around in pain. She walked over to him and looked down at him, "For the last time, I am not interested. I suggest you go rest and get your wind back." A few people looked at her and then continued on their way. She heard the speakers crackle on and announce that SOLDIERS had to report to the conference room. She heard her number and saw her picture on the screen. She gave a soft smile. She made her way out of the room, leaving the man on the floor, clutching his stomach.