"Fuck you!" The sultry sharp tone of Max's unmissable strong Spanish accent lashes out in reply like a viscous whip striking out across the comm's system. Then there was silence. It had become a common reply from Max, especially towards Evelyn. Through time spent training it had become less common and less malicious, but nonetheless remained as favoured vocabulary. Max, highly disciplined, had been awake for some time and sat upon the hard floor completing a morning routine of mixed meditation, stretches and strength training poses. Soft perspiration lined her olive skin making it glow as she slowly rolled from one controlled position to another, her soft rhythmic breaths washing over her lips with each deep inhale and exhale of air. Truth was she was nearly complete, and could probably be the first to respond to the request, but she couldn't let Ev or the others think she had become soft or obedient. Instead Max adds a few more difficult poses into her routine, challenging herself, building up a real sweat before going for a nice long shower. She takes her time, her subtle defiance making it all the more pleasurable. Finally she gets dressed, not rushing her choices she ends up with some fancy boots, extremely tight black pants, a white fitted bandeau with a neat little dark bolero thrown over the top. A little bit of make up and she was done. She checks her reflection, counts to ten, smiles a sinful proud smile and casually strolls to the briefing room. Max pauses just outside to eaves drop on the convo before entering with a fake pronounced yawn.