Lucas loved the rain. He sat in his driveway with the car running for a few moments, just listening to the rain patter against the fiberglass roof. Unfortunately for him, the electrical storms of the summer were probably over. They usually filled him up with a kind of euphoric energy, like an instant cup of coffee mixed with Red Bull. This storm looked like it’d just be rain. Thankful that he didn’t have to walk in this weather, Lucas shifted the car into reverse and began to back out of the driveway and head toward school. It was the second day of school and he was already sick of it. Although, it wasn’t really [i]all[/i] that bad. Most of his teachers were nice and he had friends in just about every class. Maybe he was just upset about having missed the deadline to join the football team. He had been in Cancun for the week during the tryouts that took place before school had started, an unfortunate turn of events. Now he had more time than he knew what to do with, and a lot of his friends couldn’t hang after school because they had practice. Lucas had his iPod playing over the radio quietly as he drove through the gloomy streets. Normally he played his music at a much higher volume, but today he was deep in thought. Well that wasn’t quite it. He just was having trouble focusing. Out of nowhere, Lucas slammed on the brakes when he realized a line of cars in front of him had stopped for a red light. “Holy shit,” he said as he took a breath to calm his now racing heart. He blamed the school’s schedule for his drowsiness. Waking up at six every morning was inhuman. It was only a matter of time before some idiot sued for getting in an accident while driving drowsy. A few minutes later, Lucas pulled into the school’s parking lot and found his assigned space which was near the school, a desirable asset. He sat in his car for a couple more seconds, partly to listen to the rain again, but mostly to find his hoodie and put his hood up. It wasn’t exactly water proof, or even water resistant, but it should do for the couple seconds he’d be exposed to the downpour. He then reached over to the passenger seat and grabbed his backpack and made sure all its zippers was tightly shut before he opened up his door. Thinking running would look silly, he made his way toward the front doors with a semi-fast pace. As he pushed open the front doors, he heard the first bell of the day ring, signaling the students to head to their first period. Damn, he had no time to meet up with his friends before. Oh well. Leaving his hood up, Lucas made his way through the labyrinth of hallways and entered his first period class—psychology. He had heard it was an interesting class the year before, but apparently the projects were pretty annoying. He half expected one to be assigned that very day. He stifled a sigh and found his assigned desk that was toward the back and took a seat.