[quote=@CondorTheMole] Soaring Sparrow, nice name. I was going to suggest the Rabid Baboon but now I can see how the Soaring Sparrow suits a ship better. [/quote] Thanks! I quite like it myself actually, might have to remember it for future reference in other stories... Hahah [quote=@Butch] Here is my CS, I'd like to contribute. Please let me know if anything is wrong with it. [hider=Janet „Bolt“ Lynch] [center][color=red]Janet „Bolt“ Lynch[/color] “It's broken, idiot. Let me fix it and get the f*** away from it.” - Janet Lynch [/center] [center][color=red]T H E B A S I C S [/color] [color=red]|Name|[/color] Janet Lynch [color=red]|Birth Date|[/color] February 7th, 2325 [color=red]|Age|[/color] 32 [color=red]|Species|[/color] Human [color=red]|Gender|[/color] Female [/center] [center][color=red]A P P E A R A N C E[/color] [hider=Janet Lynch][img]http://imgur.com/vXgLe04[/img][/hider] [color=red]|In Depth Appearance|[/color] Janet is 5'8ft. (1.73m) tall and has long hair which she keeps colored grey, like her eyes. She's athletically built with particularly strong hands. Her outfit consists usually of a tank top and a utility vest, where she keeps several tools in arms reach, cargo pants, which are equally useful in the tool holding department, military-style safety boots and welding goggles. The clothes, like herself, are often dirty and covered in oil. [color=red]|Scars, Tattoos, Piercings|[/color] She has several scars and burn marks on her hands from years of working with heavy machinery. The fingers of her left hand have obviously been broken several times, additionally part of her face was burnt in an accident a few years back. A complex tattoo covers her upper left arm. [/center] [center][color=red]G E T T I N G T O K N O W M E [/color] [color=red]|Job|[/color] Engineer/Mechanic [color=red]|Likes & Dislikes|[/color] ✔Working, tinkering and maintaining machinery ✔Weapons, unless pointed her way. ✔Space, the vast emptiness comforts her. ✔Authority, likes people who can take charge of a situation. ✔Expertise, when someone knows what he/she is doing. ✘Children, don't know what they are doing. ✘Politics, basically adult children arguing. ✘Laziness, doesn't get the job done. ✘Cucumber, who likes it anyway. [color=red]|Habits|[/color] Ever since she left the military Janet has made a habit of keeping up a similar lifestyle to the one, she was following during her service. When she is not checking the systems or doing any essential work, she will maintain her equipment, tinker or work out to keep up her physical performance. In her years aboard numerous vessels, traveling across the galaxy, she picked up a rather foul manner of speaking, which she tries to keep down. It shows, however, anytime she's in a state of emotional distress, especially when annoyed or angered. [color=red]|Fears|[/color] ☠Water, technically she fears the drowning aspect. ☠Captivity, literally and figuratively. [/center] [center][color=red]D E L V I N G D E E P E R[/color] [color=red]|Personality|[/color] ♦ Disciplined ♦ Reliable ♦ Vulgar ♦ Workaholic ♦ Janet identifies strongly with her work, since she has a passion for any kind of machinery, particularly space ships and weapons, to the point at which she often spends her free time tinkering and taking care of equipment. She tries to always perform at her best and follows given orders to the point, since Janet values the advantages of a solid order of command and especially a competent commander. She is however not a people pleaser and dislikes it when others "suck up" to their superiors. Janet may seem somewhat distant, due to her being taken up by her work quite a lot, but she does enjoy the company of others, as long as they don't stay between her and a malfunctioning engine. She likes, or at least approves of, people who manage to do their own job properly, and highly regards those who excel in their field of expertise, as long as she believes this expertise are of some value, unlike politics. [color=red]|Place of Origin|[/color] Earth [color=red]|History|[/color] Janet grew up in a middle-class family, her mother was a teacher and her father owned a small workshop, inside which she discovered her interest for moving metal at an early age and spent her youth taking apart and repairing all sort of machines and devices. She spent long nights tinkering and building improvised devices out of spare parts from her father's workshop and the nearby scrap yard. When she was 14, an uncle took her with him on a trip to all the big terran colonies. The experience of space travel lead her to pursue a career, which would allow her to spend her lifetime aboard massive ships, traveling the galaxy. When she was old enough, Janet signed up for five years of service in the terran military forces, as a combat engineer. Her training mostly consisted of learning how to repair, maintain and setup military equipment and vehicles, often under battle conditions. She also learned how to use a variety of weaponry, although she never excelled at using them, she nonetheless finds pleasure in working on them to this day, especially explosives. After her training she was sent on several missions on board a variety of ships. One such mission almost ended by her drowning in an ocean, after the ship she was on was shot down by pirates while in atmosphere, ever since this day she has, to her own shame, developed a fear of water. After these five years of service Janet wanted to find new challenges and worked on several civilian ships, ranging from transporters to scientific research vessels, always ready to jump aboard a new ship - a new challenge. Which lead her to her most recent job on board of a small space ship, named after a certain animal. [/center] [/hider] [/quote] Nice! I think Jim and Janet are going to get along swimmingly (too soon?).