A few weeks prior to arriving in Ruby Banks, she had been caught up in an argument with one of the 'senior' Shadewalkers about why she shouldn't go to Ruby Banks, let alone by herself and that she should organize a proper raid if she wanted to go somewhere in Ebonfort. [color=a187be]"This isn't a raid, you idiot."[/color] She retorted, her arms crossed in irritation. [color=a187be]"I'm going there because I want to see the Winter Fesival. And it's not like I'll get killed by some mere Ebonknights. This paperwork is flawless."[/color] She added, slapping some parchment with the back of her hand as if she were a lawyer of sorts. [color=a2d39c]"You know very well why I still cannot allow this! It's unbecoming of a Kvaren. Especially one of your status. If this gets out to the other tribes, we won't hear the end of it."[/color] The halfling argued back. Ever since Zenovia expressed her disinterest in formal speaking toward a Warlord, her shadewalkers, among other members have spoken to her quite casually. She had no problem with it, but it brought about some bold disagreements, like this one. She moved closer to the halfling, bending slightly, her face brought closer to the halfling, [color=a187be]"Then do your job and keep it under wraps. Alright?"[/color] She commanded in a low voice, glaring at him. The Halfling stepped back smoothly as he admitted 'defeat', giving a slight nod, then a sigh as he walked away. There had been a few other Shadewalkers around, since they mostly kept close to the Warlord at any time. [color=a187be]"Anyone else got a problem with me enjoying myself?"[/color] She asked openly, the irritation clear in her expression. None of them stepped forward to protest, in fact some of them had been involved in making the documents for Zenovia to enter the Ebonfort region. She made no effort to change her clothing, thus many people stared at her as she walked through the region toward Ruby Banks. Her Shadewalkers had given her a simple map of the place so it was easy for her to get where she wanted. Her appearance had caught the eye of many Ebonknights, but they were 'repelled' by the fantastic paperwork to claim that she was legally allowed to travel through Ebonfort as a foreigner. She had made it to the festival grounds on the outskirts of Ruby Banks, but it was only eighth stretch in the morning, so festivities weren't going to start for awhile, however she noticed a few people setting up already. Zenovia noticed one of the stall owners struggling to light their fire. [i][color=a187be]And here I thought anyone could do it.[/color][/i] She shrugged, strolling up to the blonde woman. [color=a187be]"You look like you could use some assistance."[/color] She commented with a playful smirk on her face. Before the woman could respond, Zenovia produced a small ball of dried grass, which she used for tinder. She lightly tossed it onto the firewood that the woman was trying to light.