Amaya picked up the card and gave it a quick once over to make sure it wasn't a fake. They usually weren't, but sometimes the owner likes to send in someone with a fake ID to test the employees. [color=FFF3D5]"Alright, I bring that out in a minute. Then I'll take your order."[/color] She smiled, handing it back to the dark haired customer, their fingers brushing against each other lightly. However, Amaya didn't think much of it. Things like that happen all the time. She's learned to ignore it. Quickly, the waitress scribbled the order down and went to the back to grab the drink and heat it up. As the drink was warming up, Amaya looked over the restaurant to see one of her co-workers leading an attractive woman to a table. She had curves in all the right places. Unfortunately, Amaya wasn't gifted in that area. She didn't mind too much, but it would have been nice. Finally the sake was warmed to a generous degree, so she grabbed it and served it to her frequently destracted customer. [color=FFF3D5]"Here you are, sir."[/color] Amaya said, placing it in front of her. [color=FFF3D5]"What can I get for you today?"[/color] Listening patiently, she wrote everything down. Then, as she was returning to the kitchen to deliver the order a voice called out. [color=ec008c][i]Ummm excuse me, I'm ready to be served...umm you Kimono-Girl, can I get a salad starter and a can of Dr Pepto please? Ive been waiting here for at least [u]10 mins[/u][/i][/color] Amaya looked around to see that the attractive girl she had seen earlier was addressing her. She could sense the annoyance in her voice. A sense of dread and fear filled the waitress. When customers weren't happy, no one was happy. [color=FFF3D5]"A-Ah yes, um, I get that for you as soon as possible. A salad starter and Dr. Pepto correct?"[/color] The kimono clad girl flipped the page on her notebook to jot the other order down, before scurrying off. She gave the orders to the head chef before getting a glass of Dr. Pepto to the caramel colored girl. [color=FFF3D5]"Here you go, ma'am. Your salad should be here in a bit."[/color] Amaya's smile was a bit strained, but she managed to do all that she could for the irritated customer. She retreated to the back to wait for the entres to be finished.