[hider=Finished] [center][img]https://pp.vk.me/c407719/v407719732/a133/4G5evsgce4I.jpg[/img][/center] [color=silver][u]Name;;[/u][/color] [i]Feng Shei[/i] [color=silver][u]Nickname;;[/u][/color] [i]N/A[/i] [color=silver][u]Age;;[/u][/color] [i]22[/i] [color=silver][u]Gender;;[/u][/color] [i]Male[/i] [color=silver][u]Primary Element;;[/u][/color] [i]N/A[/i] [color=silver][u]Secondary Element;;[/u][/color] [i]N/A[/i] [color=silver][u]Appearance;;[/u][/color] [i]Feng is a young man of undetermined ancestory, even to himself, with pale, fair skin, dark, feathery, messy black hair, and naturally cool, analytical gray eyes. Not specifically tall nor short, the masterless samurai is a man of average height, give or take an inch, with a very lean build that may make you underestimate him at first - until you further take in the lean, agile musculature that his form holds, hiding an incredibly strong swing behind the guise of speed and agility. His hands calloused from gripping the worn leather of his blade's hilt, and his form lightly littered with faded, pale scars from the spoils of many past battles, Feng is an over-all interesting figure. He does not wear flashy or attention-grabbing clothing - a simple, loose-fitting black keikogi that showcases a the top of a leanly muscular chest, and loose black trousers, along with wooden geta. His clothing choice is typical of that of a wandering ronin, and it's loose, light-weight fit allows him to stay light on his feet during battle. He generally has on a straw hat that hides his entire face in shadows, and keeps him anonymous. There are blades built into the rim of the hat, making it a deadly chakram when necessary.[/i] [color=silver][u]Likes;;[/u][/color] [i]Sake, resting, worthy adversaries, sleeping, chess.[/i] [color=silver][u]Dislikes;;[/u][/color] [i]Loud, obnoxious people, spicy foods, cowardly people, bullies.[/i] [color=silver][u]Strengths;;[/u][/color] [i]Prodigal in the art of weaponry, highly intelligent/quick-thinking, a master of sleight-of-hand.[/i] [color=silver][u]Weaknesses;;[/u][/color] [i]A loner through and through, has had his bending permanently shut off, and he's quite a bit jaded in the heart.[/i] [color=silver][u]Personality;;[/u][/color] [i]Mysterious and quiet, Feng comes off as an over-all apathetic and shrewd young man. His past is obviously a secret, and holds some pretty heavy baggage, considering how he does not mention it at all within his limited social circle. Perpetually quiet and unpredictable, Feng has a very sharp mind, and with it, comes a naturally dry, sarcastic side that comes out only when Feng allows it to come out - basically, anytime he feels as if someone needs to be reminded about how idiotic they are. Due to the young man's seemingly laidback nature, and the way he takes things at his own pace, he can easily come off as lazy and unmotivated to some, and even as a bum, due to his knack of not actually paying for his stays at inns, and simply sneaking in and sleeping wherever he wants. Despite this, Feng is obviously a dangerous individual, judging by how easily he can become pure cold and ruthless in only a blink of an eye, and this is what makes his enemies and allies fear him - the fact that he has no qualms about attacking anyone that threatens him or anyone he finds close to him. He tries to keep an unapproachable aura, so as to keep his inner circle very limited, but his unwillingly curious, kind, and inquisitive nature forces the cold ronin into undesirable situations.[/i] [color=silver][u]Background;;[/u][/color] [i]He was born to an unknown pair, in an unknown location, and even the exact time his birth took place was unknown. What is known, however, is that he was found, floating down a fortunately warm stream, fished out by a fisherman and his wife. He had pneuomnia, a cold, and was running a very high fever - nothing but an almost newborn baby, adrift in the wilderness for who knows how much time. He was practically starving. The man and woman took the baby back to their village, and with the help of the village's doctor, nursed the baby back to health. They later took him into their care when he was healthy enough to not look to be on death's door, and officially named him Lee Kin, their new son. The wife could not bear any children, and the pair were lonely. Lee Kin being born made this loneliness diminish. As a child, Lee Kin showed himself to be an immensely talented, if not socially outcasted young man. The kids in his small school was told of his rather odd origins ;; found, as a baby, on his deathbed by a pair of poor fishermen. They bullied him, stole his lunch, and generally gave him a hard time. Every day, the skinny boy would come home with bruises and sadness in his heart, and everyday, his gray eyes became just a bit colder, just a bit more distant. Eventually, he ran away from the village, around the age of seven or so, tired of the jeering. He wandered the wilderness for a long time, until he fell asleep...and was kidnapped. That blatantly and straightforward. The bandits were looking to sell him to the black market, but just as he was being transported by giant mole-rat, he was saved by a stranger in a straw-hat and robes. The man wielded a beautifully efficient and simple katana, which he used to cut a swathe through each bandit, before saving Lee Kin. The boy was indebted to the man, and begged to become his apprentice, to learn to be strong. The wandering samurai agreed, under one condition - that Lee Kin left behind his past life without a trace. The boy hesitated, before resolutely agreeing. He loved his family, but he would bring nothing to the village as he was - a weak, socially awkward nerd. And thus, Feng Shei was born.[/i] [color=silver][u]Extra;;[/u][/color] [i]He wields one katana with master efficiency and lethal skill. It's name is Tsukihime, and it is usually within a black sheathe on Feng's waist, with the sheathe holding a long, sprawling silver dragon symbol along the metal. The katana's hilt is a deep, leather-wrapped black, with deep silver accents along the hilt. The blade itself is long, slim, light, and extremely razor sharp - some even say that it can slice the air itself. Feng's fighting style with Tsukihime is extremely unpredictable. He is such a mysterious and hard to read person, that it is completely impossible to know what he's going to do next. This, combined with his natural skill, makes him even more dangerous. He may go straight into different styles of hand-to-hand combat, use his surroundings to his advantage, fight with both the sheathe and katana, or utilize different kenjutsu stances. It all depends on his opponent. His sandals has built-in razor-blades in the soles, and along his body, Feng holds many different small, light-weight throwing weapons.[/i] [/hider]