[center][color=a0410d][h1]Everett Wilcox[/h1][/color] [i][u]Location[/u]: Wilcox Lands [u]Interacting With[/u]: Nina Jelen[/i][/center] [hr] [hr] As they rode up the house, Everett saw Aunt Lou standing in the back porch, with a look on her face that said [b]“I know what you two been doing back there.“[/b] He signed and they stopped next to old woman. [b]“Yall two love birds have fun?”[/b] Aunt said smiling a wide toothy grin and handing Everett a folded sheet of paper. [b]Damn boy, you smell like death warmed over. You got yourself a keeper if she ain't ran away yet.”[/b] Luella said waving the smell away from her noise. Nina hopped off the horse, blushing a bit at what Aunt Lou was saying. [color=d86c00]”Well as much fun as one could have cleaning. The site and cabin look all shiny now. As for the smell, my father is a lumberjack, and well… sometimes he forgets what hygiene is. Doesn’t mean I don’t wanna gag. Anyways, speaking of cleaning up, I should probably change back into my clothes. And maybe shower. I’m sure I smell of soot, and well, Petyr is already gonna be pissed at me.”[/color] She smiled at Aunt Lou, but didn’t seem to confirm the old woman’s theory. Nina still felt a little stung from earlier, and the word ‘lovebird’ made it hurt again. [color=a0410d]“Always the charmer Aunt Lou.”[/color] Everett said after Nina was finished. He didn't want her to leave, but he didn't know how to ask her to stay. With a sigh he unfolded the paper to read it's content. [color=a0410d]“It's a wonder we ain't been strung… WHAT THE HELL LUELL!”[/color] Everett roared when he realized what he was looking at. [b]“Don't you sass me boy! You asked and I did it. Now don't you give me no greif.”[/b] She responded sharply. Everett was pissed but he knew she was right. He mumbled under his breath something angry and kept mumbling as he turned both horses around and made way for the barn. Aunt Lou wasn't done with him yet. As he walked up to Nina, she told her to watch what was about to happen. [b]“Hey boy, where you going with them horses?”[/b] [color=a0410d]“Barn!“[/color] Everett shouted back. [b]“Don't you wanna give us the meat first.”[/b] Aunt Lou shouted at him. He turned and quickly made his way back. Only says the word “Don't” to Aunt Lou. With a sour look in his face. [b]“Help me now child.“[/b] Aunt Lou said to Nina as she knocked off the game bags from the saddle of the spare horse. Picking up and dragging two legs to the porch. Nina looked between Everett’s retreating back and Aunt Lou and sighed, and got the game back and hefted it over her shoulder. She walked over to Aunt Lou and looked at her. [color=d86c00]”So, may I ask what happened, or is this a private family fude? Because if so I’ll back off.”[/color] [b]“Oh I just did something without telling him boys too fun to windup. Don't you mind him.”[/b] she said as the last if the game bags were brought. [b]“You like Everett, don'tcha?’[/b] Luella said as she watched her charge from a window. Nina paused and let out a sigh. [color=d86c00]”I do, but it’s really confusing right now. I mean, I know he’s got stuff going on, I mean, who doesn’t, but…”[/color] She trailed off, her cheeks now perma-red. [color=d86c00]”I think he feels the same but… he won’t let me in. Just like Tess…”[/color] [b]“Oh he all hot and bothered by you girl. Yes ma’am he is. I know these Wilcox boys all my life from his granddaddy to him. Ain't a one of them ever said a lick of nuttin bout their feelings. They're all hard men. Just how they are. Everett though, he's just bothered by all the goings on. His parents… what happened to them, ain't no sunshine there. Give him time child, he'll come around.”[/b] Luella Marchbanks said with certainty on her voice. Nina nodded and gave the older woman a half-smile. [color=d86c00]”Will do. Thank you Luella. So… about that shower? Think I can borrow somewhere to clean off before I head out?”[/color] [b]“Up the stairs, second door on the left. Every you'll need is there. I'll fetch your clothes from the cellar. Go on, best get going before he sees you beet red and he throws a hissy fit again.”[/b] She stated pointing to where the stairs where. Nina giggled a bit and thanked Luella and headed upstairs. She turned to the left and shortly found the bathroom. She closed the door and quickly undressed and showered. Once she was done, she wrapped herself up in a nice towel and let out a happy sigh. She found her clothing shortly and got dressed and tugged up her hair into a loose bun. She did however realize that her jacket was not amongst her clothing. She headed back downstairs. [color=d86c00]”Thanks for bringing me my clothing, but I think you still have my jacket Luella.”[/color] Everett was standing in the kitchen when Nina came down, he stared for a moment too long before going back to eating the food in his hand. Lost in his own world before snapping out of it. [color=a0410d]“Oh shit.”[/color] Everett said as he grabbed a plate of food and handed it to Nina. “[color=a0410d]Here eat. I gotta shower, won't be long.”[/color] Everett said handing off the plate before running upstairs. [b]“They don't know how to say sorry,either.”[/b] Aunt Lou said with a smile. [b]“Excuse me child, I gotta help that boy before he fucks something else up[/b]. Aunt disappeared only to come back with a back pack. Everett hurried his shower. Eager to get back to Nina, fearful of whatever Aunt Lou might tell her while he was. He was nervous for some reason. A reason he couldn't place. Was it Nina leaving? Or Aunt Lou being Aunt Lou? Either way this wasn't to dally around. He ran down the stairs dressed in jeans, a t-shirt and riding boots. From the closet by the door, he pulled out two jackets. Both were armored riding jackets, he put one and handed the other to Nina. [color=a0410d]“You ready sweetie?“[/color] he asked Nina. [color=d86c00]”Almost… still need my jacket, unless it’s in the backpack Luella brought up for you. Thanks.”[/color] Nina took the riding jacket and slipped it on. It smelled like Everett and the woods, a lovely combo. She zipped it up and slung her own backpack over her shoulder. [color=a0410d] “... Uh… Yeah I got it. Let's head out.”[/color] Everett said as he turned to leave he was stopped by Luella, telling him that everything he needed was in his backpack. He was shocked at how heavy it was, it had to be almost thirty pounds. He shot Luella a knowing look, but didn't say anything for fear what else might happen. Everett walked out of the door, and started his motorcycle. It was gonna take a a few minutes for the bike to warm up. He grabbed a helmet, and handed it too Nina. [color=a0410d]“Are you sure you wanna leave?”[/color] Everett asked with the hum of the motor in the background. The aftermarket exhaust system gave it a deeper rumble slander a harder sound. Nina nodded, and pulled down her hair, letting it loose, since she knew the bun would not fit under the helmet. [color=d86c00]”I can’t stay here all day... I have a few things I need to make sure get done before tomorrow.”[/color] She looked at Everett, wondering if there was a motive behind the question and then shook her head lightly, and tugged on the helmet. [color=a0410d]“I understand.”[/color] Everett said as put on his helmet and mounted his bike. He motioned for her do the same. [color=a0410d]“Hold on as tight as you can. Otherwise you might fall off. I don't wanna scrap you off the pavement.”[/color] Nina nodded, mounting the bike with ease and wrapped her arms tightly around Everett and leaned up against him. [color=d86c00]”Trust me… I don’t wanna be scraped off. However, warn me before you do any tricks.”[/color] She giggled a bit and smiled, not that he could see it under the helmet. Everett slammed the visor shut and smiled. He slowly let off the clutch and off they went. When he hit the main road, he patted her leg three times before slamming in the gas and clutching up the front wheel. He held that wheelie through the first three gears. He could have held it longer but there was more bike than skill for two people. As the the front wheel touched down he slammed on the front break causing the whole of the bike raised up in the front wheel. He didn't hold it as long as he could, he was somewhat mindful of person on the back. As they hit town Everett made a note to slow down. He could more than likely get away with it but there was no chance fate anymore than he had already. His first stop was a dry cleaners on the other side of town. Everett killed the engine and rolled to a stop in front of the shop. As he came to a stop he flipped his visor and asked Nina how she was doing. Nina seemed rather giddy as she flipped up the visor of her helmet. [color=d86c00]”I’m doing just fine. Though I am curious as to why we stopped here. Do you have some dry cleaning to pick up?”[/color] [color=a0410d] “Something like that. Hop off we can get this done.”[/color] Everett said winking at her. [color=d86c00]”Alright then.”[/color] Nina hopped off the bike and removed the helmet, and shook her hair free a bit. Everett put the kickstand down and pulled his helmet off. [color=a0410d]“Come on, this shouldn't take too long.“[/color] Everett said as he dismounted the bike and walked inside the cleaners, hold the door open for Nina. When she was through the door, the guy behind the counter simple asked if Everett had “The good” as they were called. Everett looked into his backpack and saw a bag labeled “cleaners.” It had to be heaviest part of his pack. Everett never said a word as he tossed it on the counter. When the contents were checked the man nodded and left. Everett turned and winked at Nina. When the man came back he was holding two bags, one held a leather coat, the other was a dress, pretty to even Everett’s eye. [color=a0410d]“These would be your days wages. Honest pay for honest work.”[/color] Everett said as he held them out for her inspection. Nina looked at the bags and blinked. Her coat looked like it was almost brand new again, cleaned and fixed. She then looked at the dress. There was no way normally she could afford anything like that unless it was second or third hand. [color=d86c00]”I uh… this is… Thank you.”[/color] She now had a good idea what Everett had been yelling at Aunt Lou about… but she wasn’t going to argue. Sure, it was way more than a days pay for sure, but, both garments looked great. [done] [color=a0410d] “You ain't all that articulate are yah?”[/color] Everett said knowing full well what he sounded like. [color=a0410d]“Don't let touch that jacket for awhile… You'll see why later. Toss those in you pack and tell me where you need to go.” [/color]Everett said hoping for a little more of a reaction from… Maybe he was just hoping for too much. Nina leaned over and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. [color=d86c00]”Thank you again. As for where I need to go... “[/color] She paused for a moment and checked her phone. [color=d86c00]”Simon’s coffee shop. I’m going to meet a friend there once he get out of practice.”[/color] She gently tucked the jacket and dress into her backpack and looked at Everett. [color=d86c00]”Are… you going to be at school tomorrow? Or ditching again?”[/color] Everett held the door open and waited for her walk out. [color=a0410d]“Truth be told, it depends on how much I get done today.”[/color] He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one. Knowing he wasn't gonna be able to finish it. Or at least it would buy him a little more time with Nina. [color=a0410d]“I still got a little bit of daylight left to get some work done for the party. You and your brother coming?”[/color] Everett asked before another drag. Nina paused for a moment. [color=d86c00]”Depends on who all is there. There are some people I’m sure would love to make sure I’m not there… Also depends on how Petyr feels.”[/color] Nina shifted a bit as she looked up at Everett. done [color=a0410d]“I want you there. Besides, I own the house, the land and all rights to it. You guys wanna come your welcome anytime. Let me worry about the noise.[/color]” Everett said, taking one last drag and flicking the cigarette away. He walked over to the bike and got. [color=a0410d]“Well come on then. Let's get you to your nameless friend.”[/color] He said putting on his hello and starting the bike. Nina pulled on the helmet quickly to conceal her blush. She flipped down the visor and mounted the bike behind Everett. [color=d86c00]”I’ll see what I can do, but might have to hitch a ride with someone.”[/color] Everett looked behind her. [color=a0410d]“Nina, all you have to do is ask.”[/color] He was talking about more than just a ride, never once realizing the same could be said of him. He popped the bike into gear and headed to the coffee shop. He gave thought to getting a drink while he was there but decided against it. When they arrived Everett pulled up in the sidewalk,killing the engine Everett again looked behind and said [color=a0410d]“door side drop off. We thank you for rising Air Wilcox, please dismount safely and fly with us again.”[/color] Everett smiled under the helmet, one that couldn't seen. Nina pulled off the helmet and handed it to Everett. [color=d86c00]”Thank you, for everything today. I’ll let you know if Petyr and I need that ride to the party. Do take care Ev… I'd hate for anything to happen to you.”[/color] Nina looked at him, a little sad that his face was hidden by the helmet. Everett took off his pack and put it on the tank. He reached in and pulled putt some elk meat and traded Nina for the helmet. Replacing the meat.. Putting his pack back on. [color=a0410d]“I'll be fine. I always am sweetie. Take care… Oh, do you know where about a I can find your daddy? I need some trees cut out. It'd be nice to have have some help.”[/color] Everett said. [color=a0410d][i]“You fucking chicken shit.”[/i][/color] he thought to himself. Nina raised her eyebrows. [color=d86c00]”He’s outta town till Wednesday. Big job up North. Surprise surprise. I’ll let him know about your trees when he gets home. If he’s not too tired.”[/color] [color=a0410d] “Don't worry about it, there's no burning rush. I'll stop by sometime and talk to him. You take care now.” [/color]Hs slammed the visor down and pulled off. Heading back home. Kicking himself for not asking her out right there. What the hell was his problem. Moose, bears and bobcats didn't scare him. He lived with a fucking wolf for fuck sakes. But some little girl who he could fling like a sack of potatoes was whopping his ass like it wasn't nothing. When he got home, Luella was waiting for him. Ready no doubt to feed him a rash of shit he didn't wanna hear. [b]“How'd it go?”[/b] she asked seemingly already knowing the answer. [color=a0410d]“Fine, I think she figured out why I was pissed off though.”[/color] [b]“Say she did?”[/b] [color=a0410d]“Don't start, the jacket and dress I was fine with, the meat was a little much but did you really have to give her that much?”[/color] Hd asked. [b]“Boy if your momma would have seen those rags, she'd a took her and her kin shopping in the stop. We'll make the money back, don't you worry.” [/b]Aunt Lou said somewhat shocked. [color=a0410d]“It ain't the money that gives me pause. I don't want her to think I'm trying to buy her… Or people to talk and say she's gold digging. You know how people around here.”[/color] There was genuine concern in Everett. [b]“They gonna talk either way. That girl and any girl you touch I'd gonna be a gold digger. Unless you star dating those rich girls you hate so much. That Snow White girl is cute.”[/b] She said with a hint of sass in her eyes. [color=a0410d]“I gotta clean those saddles. I'll be back in a few hours.”[/color] Everett said trying to get away from the conversation. [b] “Everett Ulysses Wilcox. That girl has got it for you something awful, you know how you get around about now. Don't drag her into your shit.”[/b] She said trying to protect both at the same time. [color=a0410d]“Yes ma’am.”[/color] His only response before disappearing to the barn. To do anything but think about Nina or what Aunt Lou had said.