Woohoo! Saw it was here, and well yeah, here's the CS [hider=My Hider] [img] http://36.media.tumblr.com/0e689c2935c63e90ed61cbb16a94e9d5/tumblr_inline_nw16za3wUc1rfcy7q_500.png [/img] Edgar Age: 18 PERSONALITY: Edgar is a fighter. When he gets into an action or confrontation he doesn't always know when to stop when there's a lot at stake. He's not a hothead, but he can be fierce. He has a good heart, and his fierceness comes from a place of righteousness, and he takes comfort in knowing what is right and what is wrong. That has yet to be challenged. He hates being talked down to by anyone, and thinks he can be witty all the time, though he rarely succeeds. Edgar is driven, his heart seems in the right place, and his big goal is to simply settle down his confrontational issues someday. He doesn't like unnecessary harm, but he loves a lengthy conversation about Pokemon and battle strategy. Edgar has some trust issues about him too. While not paranoid, he just doesn't want to risk betrayal, which he feels is the one thing he would be honestly broken about, not angry or fired up over. He is known to let feelings be made clear, as hiding them seems a waste of both energy and time to all involved. In the same vain as being reluctant to harm, he also doesn't want any broken feelings on other people because of him. The one thing he knows about himself and wants to be known about him... is that he has a kind heart, and power and bravery to protect himself and others. HISTORY: Edgar was a backwards one. When he was small, he was quiet, timid, and a little shy. However, the disappearance of his older brother, Lyle had an odd effect on him. A child usually would go from smiling and outgoing, to what Edgar already was in the wake of a tragedy. Edgar, instead, became deadly serious, not smiling or jestful, but outgoing and protective almost to the point of aggressive. They never said if Lyle died, for all Edgar knows, somewhere in the world, Lyle could be alive. Edgar was always being told stories about the Orre region by his parents and Lyle before Lyle disappeared, since that's where they lived before Edgar was born and they had moved to the Unova region. Lyle always said that Orre people were separate, but alive, and when they did meet between the vast distances between towns and landmarks, they had a comradery that trumped all others in times of need. Unova was very different apparently. Unova was always home to Edgar, but it was clear from early on that something was missing from his mom, dad, and brother. After Lyle's disappearance, Edgar's dad wanted to help the family recover, and he came home one day with a Pokeball containing a Pichu, and it became a family pet. Edgar had a great admiration and appreciation for Pichu. It could be kind and cue, but it had quite the punch in its electric type. The years passed and all was well even with a missing member of the family. One day, on a trip to Castelia city, Edgar's life changed drastically. Out on the docks, he thought he saw-- no... knew he saw Lyle, but he vanished as quickly as Edgar found him. He found a note where Lyle stood that read "Go to the Kordis region. It's time you begun your journey" Edgar told his parents he finally wanted to start a pokemon journey and left immediately for The Kordis region city of Estoria, where beginning trainers go. He had the ambition to be a trainer and if he found his long lost sibling, all for the better. Team: Squirtle (Nickname: Squall) Level 6 - Bold Nature - Torrent Ability - Moveset: Tackle, Withdraw, Water Gun, Bubble - Bag: Medicine: TMs/HMs: Berries: Key Items: [/hider]