[hider=Lee Shen - Firebender][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/DlKRW9R.png[/img][/center] [color=Orange][u]Name;;[/u][/color] [i]Lee Shen[/i] [color=Orange][u]Nickname;;[/u][/color] [i]Shei-Shei[/i] [color=Orange][u]Age;;[/u][/color] [i]24[/i] [color=Orange][u]Gender;;[/u][/color] [i]Male[/i] [color=Orange][u]Primary Elemant;;[/u][/color] [i]Fire[/i] [color=Orange][u]Secondary Element;;[/u][/color] [i]Lightning[/i] [color=Orange][u]Appearance;;[/u][/color] [i]Lee is a man with fairly average Fire nation features, pale skin, an acrobatic build, dark brown hair and green eyes. His jawline is fairly defined and his body is of slightly above-average musculature, making his regular exercise and martial skill fairly clear in his body structure. His hair is kept relatively short and sticks up from his head. Lee is almost constantly seen with his red bandana, and his one-sleeved grey tunic covers the long dragon-themed tattoo on his left arm. His collar is regularly upturned, and a pair of spherical bells hang off it, more as toys for his pet ferret than anything. He wears light brown, fingerless gloves and a grey sash around his waist. He is relatively tall, standing at 6'3", and his knuckles are partially calloused and burn-scarred.[/i] [color=Orange][u]Likes;;[/u][/color] [i]Music, A Good Fight, Women of Any Kind, Tea, Spicy Food.[/i] [color=Orange][u]Dislikes;;[/u][/color] [i]Quiet, Empty Towns/Taverns, Blood Bending, Puzzles, Picking Fights Without Reason.[/i] [color=Orange][u]Strengths;;[/u][/color] [i]Remarkably talented Fire-Bender, masterful enough to use lightning bending, highly charismatic/diplomatic, a masterful hand-to-hand fighter.[/i] [color=Orange][u]Weaknesses;;[/u][/color] [i]Clumsy with any sword or bladed weapon, terrible at solving puzzles and riddles, Non-committal, finds it difficult to trust others.[/i] [color=Orange][u]Personality;;[/u][/color] [i]To sum up Lee's general personality, one would probably use the term 'Joker' - he's sarcastic, witty and generally finds a way to laugh off any situation. Unfortunately, his timing isn't the best as a result, and he has some difficulty taking total responsibility in a serious situation, when it's easier for him to make some joke or laugh about it. He always means well though, and generally attempts to use his sense of humour to make others happy or to cheer them up if they've been having a bad day. Overall he's a very friendly, helpful guy, he's often happy to lend a hand in whatever way he can and has somewhat of a habit of handing out far more favours than he calls for, always without any form of complaint. Generally, Lee is a fairly charismatic individual, and is pretty easy to get on with, but this is not to say he is without enemies, inevitably there are some people the Fire bender does not get along with. When it comes to relationships and women, Lee is a near-constant flirt, though is personally terrified of any sort of long-term commitment in relationships. Unlike some Fire benders, Lee prefers to not resort to violence when he can. Lee will use his charismatic nature to his own benefit when faced with a challenge, and generally tries to talk his way out of a potential conflict, only resorting to violence when absolutely necessary. However, he is incredibly dedicated when forced into a fight, and will not back down until he is well and truly defeated. Perhaps his greatest weakness is his pride, Lee is more than aware of his own skill, and so he takes defeat and loss very harshly, relying on the support and help of friends when he does fail.[/i] [color=Orange][u]Background;;[/u][/color] [i]Lee was born into a fairly average family in the Fire Nation Capital. A second child, his mother was a teacher, and his father a soldier in the Fire Nation Military. Lee had a simple childhood, he got along well with his sister Yiu, and the two spent essentially every waking hour together. When they became adults, the two siblings were separated for the first time, longing to follow in her fathers footsteps, Yiu joined the Fire Nation Military, more martially skilled than her brother, who had his father's bending skills. Lee had no desire to join the Military however, having avoided violence through much of his life. Lee had always been a skilled Fire Bender, trained by his father since he was young to harness his energy and physical strength into Fire Bending. As Lee became more and more skilled with Fire Bending, he was pushed further and further by his father. The two made long pilgrimages together throughout the Fire Nation, and eventually, after great patience, time and practice, Lee was able to take his abilities to the next level, as he developed the ability of Lightning Bending. Lee's father was thrilled by his son's newfound capability, having been unable to do so himself, he was proud to see that his son had even managed to surpass him through his long training. Lee's father had great hopes for his son, and desired for Lee to join the Military along with him. He saw the skill and potential within his son, and hoped he would do great things for the Fire Nation. This point was what shattered the relationship between Lee and his father, the argued many times over Lee's future, and while Yiu often attempted to calm their father and make him see reason, he would not have it. Eventually, Lee's father shut out the boy, refusing to speak to him unless he would follow his father. Lee continued to refuse, and eventually realized that there was not much for him in his home if he chose to remain. Instead, he began to travel, having a desire to see the world and help people when he could. Most of Lee's travels were within the Earth Kingdom and the Air Nomad lands, taking odd jobs every now and then, whether it was dealing with a criminal gang or something more simple like escorting farmers to market. He traveled back and forth, practicing his Firebending almost constantly, devoted to perfecting his craft. Shortly after the Chi Blockers revealed themselves, Lee went to visit his sister's unit while they were camped along with Earth Kingdom soldiers. When he arrived, the camp was empty, signs of a battle filled the camp, but there was no sign of where anyone had gone. All that Lee knew was that his sister had either been captured or killed by the Chi-blockers. After the incident, he set out in search of the Avatar, devoting himself to helping them both perfect the art of Fire bending, and defeating the Chi blockers.[/i] [color=Orange][u]Extra;;[/u][/color] [i]Lee carries with him a pair of metal finger covers, they heat up as he firebends, serving as a powerful hand-to-hand weapon. Lee also has a pet Fire Ferret he calls Lan, he takes good care of his pet and has taught it a fair few tricks and stunts. Lan has a habit of curling over Lee's shoulders and around his neck, poking his head out every now and then when there is the promise of food or something else of interest. Lee's Firebending style is particularly acrobatic, almost similar to airbending in a way, he leaps back and forth as he makes his attacks, and can be quite unpredictable. Lee also carries a small dragon-styled amulet with him. A gift he gave to his sister, and the only sign he found of her at the empty camp.[/i][/hider] Finally finished! Happy to edit any bit of this.