[quote=@The Great Nahman Jayden] [hider=Rick McKendrick/Glargh Blargh] [center][color=red]Glargh Blargh[/color] "Glargh Blargh” -Glargh Blargh [/center] [center][color=red]T H E B A S I C S [/color] [color=red]|Name|[/color] Rick McKendrick II [color=red]|Age|[/color] 23/07/2326 [color=red]|Age|[/color] 31 [color=red]|Race|[/color] Terran [color=red]|Gender|[/color] Male [/center] [center][color=red]A P P E A R A N C E[/color] [color=red]|In Depth Appearance|[/color] Glargh Blargh appears as a horribly scarred human. 3rd degree burns have solidified as scars over his entire body. A loose pile of skin flaps hangs from his neck, revealing a hole in his throat. His burns have left his skin a sickly green colour, with dashes of a pale orange throughout. Glargh has grey eyes, and all his hair has been burnt clean off. [color=red]|Scars, Tattoos, Piercings|[/color] All of his skin is broken, cracked, scarred and burnt. [/center] [center][color=red]G E T T I N G T O K N O W M E [/color] [color=red]|Likes & Dislikes|[/color] ✔Mechanical Work, Quiet downtime, Pacifists, Long walks on the beach ✘Combat, mercenaries, mining stations, people who go out of their way to fight. [color=red]|Habits|[/color] Glargh Blargh takes keen interest in all things mechanical, and will often stop to admire and pick apart things to understand how they work. Glargh is a keen reader, and the fastest way to his heart is to buy him old instruction manuals or Galactic Geographic Issues. [color=red]|Fears|[/color] ☠Fuel ☠Being lonely [/center] [center][color=red]D E L V I N G D E E P E R[/color] [color=red]|Personality|[/color] ♦ Reliable ♦ Possessive ♦ Easily distracted ♦ Paranoid ♦ Rick McKendrick II was born with ADHD-PI, making it difficult for him to focus on difficult tasks. Because of the disorder, he is also prone to fits of anxiety, obsession and depression. The results of an experimental treatment designed to completely remove the disorder from the brain means that he also occasionally experiences hallucinations, sensory, auditory and visual. The accident left Glargh Blargh permanently paranoid of equipment malfunction, which has resulted in him devoting himself to ensuring everything, no matter where he may be, works as it should. His body is frail and weak, and as such he has no interest in fighting. He is likely to hide unless his friends are in grave danger, where he is willing to step in and protect them. He's basically a good old Lawful Good character. [color=red]|Place of Origin|[/color] Earth [color=red]|History|[/color] Born to the rich McKendrick merchant family, Rick struggled through his early years in his district's most expensive school. He was diagnosed with ADHD-PI when he was five. His father tried throwing money at the problem until it went away, but was unsatisfied with simply medicating the condition. He helped fund an experimental procedure which would be able to "cleanse" a brain of mental conditions. Unfortunately, the experiment merely resulted in Rick experiencing severe hallucinations. These are medicated with an experimental drug called Beaumaris. When he was 15, Rick accidentally missed several doses of Beaumaris and voices told him that his family planned to kill him. In his fit of paranoid, Rick ran away from home, stowing aboard a cargo container he believed would take him to Australia, not realising that the cargo was destined to be loaded on a spaceship. Rick found himself on the Kabul Mining Station, dedicated to drawing fuel from a nearby planet and refining it into fuel usable by spaceships. The young stowaway was taken under the wing of the chief maintenance officer, who mentored him in engineering and mechanical work while also protecting him from the station head who wanted Rick removed. 10 years into his stay, his mentor died and left Rick as the only qualified technician on the station. He gladly took up the role and was assigned with the job of training new employees in emergency patience procedures to prevent the now ageing station from going critical and exploding. He soon gained a position inspecting mechanical parts that are delivered to the station, which he then used to smuggle Beaumaris into Kabul. 5 years later, when Rick was thirty, the station was attacked by vicious pirates. They began massacring the station, and Rick was forced to hide in the main fuel shaft where he had been performing routine repairs. His personal scanner informed him that the rest of the station had already been killed, so Rick decided to take revenge on the pirates by rigging the fuel shaft to vent throughout the station. Rick successfully killed all the pirates by vending the raw, corrosive fuel. He was able to move through derelict station with a safety suit covering his body, giving him time to reach an escape pod. Unfortunately, the pod jettisoned itself with such force that Rick fell onto the control panel, cracking his visor. The lingering gas within the pod rushed into his suit, burning his entire body. He was barely able to remove the suit in time before he burnt to death. It was a miracle that Rick's body was able to survive the wounds it did. He is now covered in scars, and damage to his throat prevents him from saying his name. As such, he is known only by the most common pair of sounds he makes, "Glargh Blargh." [color=red]|Extra|[/color] Saying anything more than grunts or strange audible sounds hurts Glargh's throat a lot. Please refrain from discussing philosophy with him. Even burnt, Glargh's mind is damaged. He still needs to take a Beaumaris tablet everyday, lest he end up going insane from the hallucinations. [/center] [/hider] [/quote] Accepted, although I have to say that it's going to be difficult to communicate with someone who can't really vocalize. I look foward to seeing how you handle it. ALSO: First IC post is up, feel free to post in whatever order you like. I'll be making a mock up of the ships internal layout.