[center][color=yellow]Asvoria Laurent - Beacon Cliff - Tuesday Morning[/color][/center] It was a beautiful morning. Well, it likely was. The giant mass of bodies made it seem a lot. . . Well, not as pretty. Still, this is the day Asvoria's been waiting for. The first [i]real[/i] event at school. The opening ceremony was nice, sure, but the real things that mattered were starting now with the announcement. Luckily, she had already started getting her stuff together out of her habits from youth. [color=Yellow]"Wonderful."[/color] The girl muttered to herself as she finished small calibrations on her armor pieces. [color=Yellow]"Everything seems to be in order. I wonder what we're going to be doing today. I hope those guys weren't too distraught yesterday."[/color] After she had finished sightseeing yesterday, she was approached by two others asking if they wanted to go look around some more, or something. Asvoria decline however stating that it was an early to bed, early to rise situations. Still, it was an exciting day. [color=Yellow]"Now it's time to head to the rendevous point at the cliffs!"[/color] The girl exclaimed giggling her way out to them. She quickly found her place amongst the others and listened to the teachers' speech. . . Asvoria was honestly suprised that the final test of it all was some sort of "hold against the mob" challenge. It couldn't be all too hard. . . Well, it could but what would negative thinking do at this point? Professor Ozpin ended the speech and people started to launch into the "Emerald Forest" or so Ozpin called it. Ready to launch, Asvoria hunkered down slightly and lowered her own weight, hoping it would launch her a little further. All in all, she still wanted to just stand out amongst her peers but doesn't everyone? [color=Yellow]"WOOOOOHOOOO!!"[/color] The girl cried out as she launched high into the air, seemingly higher than everyone. Having the air rush past her head, the screams of a few hundred soft voices, and the cool feel that made one's eyeballs water from the irritation. . . [color=Yellow]"This is perfect!"[/color] The girl would have called out if not for the mid-air flight. Soon enough, a tree came into close proximity with the currently falling girl. Her once perfect looking spirals of hair were now slightly unraveled as the were mussed up with the swirling of leaves coming off the branches of the trees. [color=Yellow]"It's about time to get serious, isn't it?"[/color] Asvoria questioned herself with a nod in return. Her right hand reached to where Randgrid waited for it's moment to shine. Released from it's prison, the weapon extend out to it's Hammer Mode. [color=yellow]"Ehhhh, might need a little more than that, Randgrid."[/color] With that comment, she clicked a button on the shaft of her weapon and the mallet-head changed into an axe-head. With the splitting power of her axe, Asvoria cut into a tree on the side of her descent and used it to slow herself some. Had she not have been moving a little too fast it would have been enough to stop her, but alas Randgrid pulled out of the wood and letting her fall but a little bit slower. Thinking quick enough, she lowered the weight of her axe and started to spin herself. With enough force behind her swing she increased the weight of Randgrid to a bit above normal and slammed it into a nearby thick tree. It stopped her completely and with hardly time to spare. [color=yellow]"Oh look, the ground."[/color] She slightly giggled to herself as she dropped harmlessly to the ground. With a hearty laugh, Asvoria scanned the surrounding area. It was all green, green, green and green. Nothing wrong with green of course. The repeated use of the same color was rather bland. All Asvoria was thinking was, [color=yellow]"What? No flowers?[/color] After a light sigh, the girl clumsily recovered her weapon from the tree and held it over her shoulder while trying to figure out where to go from here. [color=yellow]"Well, they say the best strategy is to just wonder in a random direction. . . Right? Righ--"[/color] She was trying to finished, but something interrupted her. The roar of a giant creature standing on it's two feet. [color=yellow]"An Ursa, huh?"[/color] Asvoria commented, showing admiration for such a large and somewhat magnificent creature in front of her. [color=yellow]"Are you trying to fight me?"[/color] She asked with quite the inquisitive look on her face. The Ursa gave her a weird look, wondering what the heck was wrong with this unscared, not combat ready girl before quickly roaring again. [color=yellow]"Gotcha' gotcha'. You're looking for a tussle ain't ya'. Hungry? Well, not for long. Come at me!"[/color] The Ursa charged without another thought. Hitting the button to switch forms again, Asvoria held her mallet in an almost baseball-like stance waiting for the thing to get close. When he did reduce the distance, and was almost in mauling range. . . [color=yellow]"HOME RUN!!"[/color] She yelled at the top of her lungs as Randgrid slammed into the underside of the Ursa's chin. The creature of Grimm flew up into the air and slammed into a tree. The body fell down and hit the ground, lifeless looking. [color=yellow]"Oooooooookay. Moving on. Let's go find my partner."[/color] With that, she walked into the forest looking for her future partner.