"I am truly sorry Uncle Clint but I had to bring him here. He wanted to talk to Thor. And if that was the exactly same Loki. I'm sure I would have been dead when I stumbled upon him in the park. And from what Thor has been telling me about him all my life, he's changed alot." She stated, having this feeling that to them, they may think she is delirious. "And he is truly proving so far by not killing me or whatever that happened then. That was years ago anyway. I know I haven't been there and that I wasn't born then either. But if Thor has been trying so hard to turn Loki around, would you honestly think his work would be in vain?" Thor stood there and rubbed Loki's back soothingly as he sobbed. Letting him cry till he was done and ready to talk. "It's okay, brother....I am here. Talk when you are ready, Loki. I am sure we have much to talk about."