(( TIME TO GET INTO THE WAY BACK MACHINE )) Carlin Hazel - Patch - Tuesday morning [@Katakon][@agentmanatee][@OneWayOut] Where it not for her leaders rather obvious signals to calm down , Carlin would have very likely attempted to summon a gale wind to toss old iron-jerk half way to their destination. But cooler heads one over...and blasting a world leader ( a military nations world leader no less ) out of pride seemed like a very bad idea. even if it was incredibly satisfying at the moment. Honestly, no need to be so rude! Carlin joined the other on the boat, excited and giddy for their big mission thing! That was of course until the boat took off and Carlin learned something new about herself. She was apparently super sensitive to sea sickness. It came on so suddenly and so intensely she would probably call it sea plague. She almost immediately emptied her breakfast over the side of the boat before they were more than 5 minutes into their trip. She quickly quarantined herself to quarters where she preceded to basically be a unhappy, moaning, vomiting, lump of a girl. Time passed weirdly for her in this awful state. She didn't remember exactly when she got the message on her scroll but it did briefly make her feel better. ~ Holy crap! Also Good for you!!!!" she texted back ~you two will make a super cute couple. If anything exciting happens I'm going to want all the juicy details *eyebrow waggles* And don't worry. Capricious though I am I'm fairly decent at secrets. You should be the one to tell them when you are ready, I'm sure they will be just as happy for you as I am. Good luck!~ And shortly after she hit send she emptied her lunch into her personal barf bucket. Patch couldn't come soon enough. ----At patch--- As the ship stopped at their destination Carlin began to recover in degrees. As she emerged from the rooms onto the deck of the boat. the young woman looks positively skeletal, the flowers of her head band withered and wilted into sad grey things on the verge of death. Leaning heavily on her staff she made her way off with the group, each step seeming to recover a bit more of herself. It helped that she held some food in her other hand and was taking advantage of finally being able to keep something down. She was off the boat as soon as she could and thinking of calling her parents and asking for them to send a private air ship for the trip home because screw the last 24 hours they had been a living hell! Anyhow, what is important to take away from this was that Carlin was off the boat with Paris and the others and feeling better. By the end of Ironwoods speech of the details, what few there were, of the mission she seemed mostly herself again. The flowers on her head band had slowly regained life until they were once more her neutral honey hazel color. She pursed her lips at the Paris's stalk with Fern about who should go where "I'm fine with whatever and will differ to the decisions of the leaders on such matters. But as for getting around in the woods...I would like to point out my semblance IS Chloromancy. As in the manipulation and control of plant life? Not that I don't mind guarding a town, just wanted to point out for the record that I would be fine dealing with threats in a dense forest. And while my magic can be...explosive that doesn't mean-" her potential rant ( likely brought on by nearly a day of almost no communication beside pathetic whimpering moans ) was brought to a halt when heather showed up. She gave her a sly knowing look that screamed -I must hear all the details- before schooling her features into a nice neutral look. and otherwise said nothing as she was afraid in her current hunger for speaking state would lead to her being a blabber mouth.