[hider= Lahe Hakorsi - Airbender ][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/8N0rlNO.png[/img][/center] [color=wheat][b]Name:[/b][/color] Lahe Hakorsi. [color=wheat][b]Nickname:[/b][/color] No significant current nicknames. 'Lah-lah', an affectionate bastardization of the 'Lah' in 'Lahe', was a common nickname in her childhood but it faded out fairly quickly when her personality shifted, and now it's only really used by childhood friends and family as a memory of what once was. [color=wheat][b]Age:[/b][/color] 22 (Twenty-two). [color=wheat][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female. [color=wheat][b]Primary Element:[/b][/color] Air. [color=wheat][b]Secondary Element:[/b][/color] Spiritual projection (training). [color=wheat][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Lahe stands at approximately 5 feet and 7.5 inches with a light and clear complexion, a toned athletic build, and the telltale tattoos of a master airbender. Her dark brunette hair is kept short by feminine standards with a braid of considerable length coming from the left side, which is sparsely accented by the beads in the colors symbolic of the Air Nomads, yellow and red. Her eyes are a nondescript and semi-vibrant shade of hazel. She routinely wears a modest and practical variation of the Air Nomad robes. The robes are primarily yellow with sleeves which remain close to the contours of the body in the arms and leave some space at the legs and collar, with a red accent at the cuff of the right arm sleeve. She wears dark brown leather boots which rise to the bottom of the knee and a vest of matching material; the color of the leather is similar of the color of her hair, and generally compliment one another much like the robes and the beads in her braid compliment one another. To add the 'robe' features of the robe, and to accent the outfit, a shortened earthly red cloak is worn by the shoulders with some length coming from the waist. [color=wheat][b]Likes:[/b][/color] ※ Pragmatism, as her own adaptive perspective on the Air Nomad philosophy. ※ Vegetarian dishes, as she was raised to enjoy by the Air Nomads. Rice dishes, noodle dishes, and fruit pies are her favorites. ※ Tranquility, as she was taught to value by the Air Nomads and as she's come to personally value as result of her active lifestyle. ※ Freedom, as she was taught to value by the Air Nomads. ※ Meditation, as she was taught to value by the Air Nomads. [color=wheat][b]Dislikes:[/b][/color] ※ Loitering and inaction, which makes her antsy and impatient. ※ Excessive noise and activity such as thriving festivals, parties, and rowdy taverns, which makes her uncomfortable. ※ Tight spaces, being trapped and otherwise being unable to move, which makes her panic. She's quite claustrophobic and has a fear of being unable to move. It's not uncommon for her to pace, fidget, and otherwise move when she's on edge or uncomfortable. ※ Meat-based dishes, which she's not very used and raised against after an upbringing with the Air Nomads. ※ Revealing and flashy clothing. It's partly a pet peeve, partly a jealousy thing - considering she's not very 'well-endowed' herself and is quite sensitive about it. ※ Unnecessary violence, death, and chaos. Whilst she can understand the importance of them with her pragmatic take on the Air Nomad philosophy, it needs to be perceived by her as justified. [color=wheat][b]Strengths:[/b][/color] ※ Lahe is nearly always calm and collected, regardless of significant sources of stress and confusion - except for a few ticks and bar a few exceptions that make her lose her cool, such as being unable to move. Whilst she's not significantly intelligent as such, this perspective generally helps her decision-making and problem-solving; she's really good at board games mostly for this reason. ※ Lahe excels in unarmed and staff combat. On top of her talent and aptitude, she's personally tinkered with a preexisting style of air bending combat which revolves around primarily using bending augment your attacks with bending rather than as a means of attack in itself, which contributes to this further. ※ On top of natural contribution from her air bending, Lahe is quite nimble and agile. It's not a far-fetched for her to climb a sheer building or natural feature, or to very nearly dance around an unskilled opponent. [color=wheat][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] ※ Lahe isn't very charismatic, and generally doesn't do well in social settings and sensitive situations. This may be of particular note as it directly contrasts the nature of the air nomads, who are generally social and fun-loving. ※ Partly in contrast to her pragmatic nature, Lahe can be stubborn and a bit too forward at the best of times; once she's decided on something she often presses on regardless of progress being made until she's exhausted herself or convinced otherwise, has a habit of starting unnecessary conflict, and often doesn't know when to back down from a fight. ※ Revealing clothing - particularly of the female chest - and being unable to move make her panic and lose her cool very quickly, relative to the severity of how much is revealed or how little she's able to move. When she loses her cool she becomes quite rash and abandons a fair amount of her reason, and either needs to be left to run her course or needs to be calmed down. [color=wheat][b]Personality:[/b][/color] The fastest way to describe Lahe is a disciplined tsundere. At her core she's defiantly a tsundere, but her training and upbringing by the air nomads have largely suppressed this. At face value, Lahe is a disciplined Air Nomad with a skewed philosophy, making her similar to a more traditional monk as we would know one in the real world. She's generally quiet and reserved with a pragmatic and forward approach to life and it's problems. She values hard and consistent work and studies, peace and tranquility and practical solutions to what would violate that in accordance to the Air Nomad philosophy where possible, and meals. Of particular note, unlike the charismatic and fun-loving Air Nomads, Lahe isn't talented socially and is quite no-nonsense: this was a personality adaption as result of the burden of responsibility put on her in her teenage years, which ended up sticking. In moments where her discipline lapses for whatever reason, such as panicking or being overwhelmed, the 'tsundere' part of the header sentence comes to effect. She becomes rash, blunt, and even violent - in the 'I'll beat you up' sort of way, not the 'I'll kill you' sort of way. She actively resents this personality feature and hopes to find wisdom on the matter through her spiritual projection training. [color=wheat][b]Background:[/b][/color] Lahe Hakorsi was born as the only child of a moderate-sized family living in the Air Temple in the Earth Kingdom mountain ranges. Her mother and father both were masters within the temple; her mother contributed to agriculture whilst her father was more of a professor for young airbenders. Her father was quite passionate about the concept of family, both by blood and in the broader philosophical sense of the 'whole temple being one family', and it was his key motivating factor in many of his pursuits. Taking unaccredited inspiration from the Earth Kingdom, Lahe's father desired a boy that could be raised to become the head of the family and planned on the boy's existence so extensively that he had Lahe follow in the discipline of her mother alongside her airbending studies, as well as take up wifely duties around the house. Lahe's life was layed out for her as such, and all was understood, tranquil, and in order. When Lahe was a little bit older than 12 years old, local agriculture came onto hard times, which was considered a big deal as it not only supplies food but also currency for the temple, as well as minor trade with local villages and keeps in the Earth Kingdom. Lahe's mother had to put in extra work to try and improve the situation and Lahe, who was being raised to take over the discipline from her mother when she came of age, was expected to help to the extent she was able. She wasn't quite ready for this, having enjoyed fun, play and studies, but she did as she was told for the sake of tranquility and for the family. Approximately 2 and a half years later, with Lahe at approximately 14 and a half, the situation was stabilized but was starting to worsen once again. The Air Nomads had been hard at work for over 2 years trying to improve the situation and widespread fatigue was starting to set in. Lahe's mother, despite being so on edge and tired, still managed a smile - Lahe's father, however, was visibly stressed and encumbered by the situation. It was about this time that Lahe's mother was diagnosed as infertile and the news was broken to her father wouldn't be having the son. He was understandably struck by grief and stopped eating partly out of stress and partly out of desire to have less impact on the agricultural crisis; in turn he became quite ill and was incapable of leaving their home. Lahe, saddened by the state of her father and the doubled pressure on her mother, informally stepped up and took on a number of her father's former responsibilities within the household whilst still contributing to the agricultural crisis. As her father's condition only got worse, she got more and more driven to turn the situation around and do all that she could; on top of taking on more responsibility within the household and with the agricultural crisis, she also started taking her studies much more seriously, putting the fun and games of her childhood on hold in favor of problem-solving and practicality. Lahe's father, realizing his condition was getting worse and that he wasn't going to make it through the next winter even with the cold-regulating abilities of airbending, declared Lahe heir apparent to the position of head of the household and family, assured by her hard work, dedication, and how she took responsibility. When Lahe's father inevitably came to pass, Lahe was initially struck by grief and, for a while, rarely left her room and stopped eating herself, giving the nomads and her poor mother quite the scare. Instead of becoming ill and passing like her father, though, she took a lot of time to reflect and, in practice, deconstructed and reconstructed her personality based on practical values and the values of the Air Nomads for a personality that would be appropriate for the head of the household. When she finally emerged from her room and joined the temple once again, the happy-go-lucky 'Lah-lah' who wanted everyone to be happy was gone, and in her place was Ms. Lahe, head of the Hakorsi family. Now pragmatic and calculating, Lahe stormed through the rest of her studies, made great contributions to solving the agricultural crisis, and would eventually begin planning the new future of the family. You might recall I mentioned 'putting the fun and games of her childhood on pause' before? It never really went back to play. With her childhood never really seen to fruition, and her new personality more a reconstruction from discipline and power of will instead of natural development, what was once there - albiet warped and corrupted by stress and sense of urgency - remains in the form of her lapses in discipline. A year later, the agricultural crisis came to an end, and as crops began to grow healthily once again thinks started to go back to normal for the air temple. Lahe considered going back to as she was for a brief time but decided against it, as it felt uncomfortable to her and she had responsibilities as the named head of the household. Approximately 6 and a half years later, Lahe - now 22 - had been named a master, given her tattoos, and has began studying spiritual projection within the past year and a half. Seeking to gather wisdom from the world on spiritual projection as suggested by her tutor: one of the Elders of the temple, plus hoping to conquer the childish side of her personality that remains, she sets out on a pilgrimage from the air temple. [color=wheat][b]Extra:[/b][/color] She carries her airbenders staff with her, which acts as both her transport - as a means of flight, and as a weapon.[/hider]