For those that want it: [hider= The Back Tattoo] [img][/img] This is his main tattoo and the tattoo that marked him as a Yakuza (I will explain that in the RP). The Yakuza branch in Kano, while relatively small, was quite violent and dealt heavily in the bloody drug trade. They likened themselves to Japanese demons name oni, branding or tattooing themselves with oni to show loyalty. It is tattooed on his back and runs to his shoulders, biceps and forearms. [/hider] [hider=The Front Tattoo] [img][/img] This tattoo marks him as a former 8th Street gang member. The gang was one of the junior recruitment gangs where the Yakuza gather members from. It was based around the downtown area, focusing on recruiting unstable youths into their fold. The gang likened themselves to the senior Yakuza and tattooed their members on the chest with an oni. This covers the chest area and stomach. [/hider] [hider=Front of Left Thigh] [img][/img] This marks a partner back when the Virus didn't exist. Layla Anderson was his soulmate, a fiery woman that loved him. Informed of his Yakuza connections, she celebrated their anniversary of a year on the 2nd August, 2015. She went down with the Virus and died ten days afterwards [/hider] [hider=Front of Right Thigh] [img][/img] Marked after the famous "four fingered hand" ritual. Point of honour with Kano Yakuza [/hider] [hider=Back of the Right Hand] [img][/img] This is a religious tattoo that he gained during his time in prison. This was when Rōnin was reconsidering the choices he had in life. [/hider] [hider=Back of Left Hand] [img][/img] Kanji for kill. Branded after killing someone in the name of Yakuza. [/hider] [hider=Calves] [u]Left[/u] [img][/img] [u]Right[/u] [img][/img] He gained these tattoos mourning the death of his beloved Layla. The one on the left signifies one of his greatest fears and the one on the right shows how it took the woman he most loved. [/hider] This is all I have for now, I'll look for more later. EDIT: Finished