Through the brief words exchanged through the AR earpieces Muffy remained in a fake sleep in that mess of a bed she lied on, her arms spread out and a big loopy smile on her face as if she were in a happy dream land since she was still a bit drowsed. She would have totally added her own witty remarks for her own amusement, but for once silence seemed to be the best response for those two. Muffy stirred all around in her bed, messing the blankets even more "Five more minutes mummm," she drowsily talked to herself in general in that natural signature Irish accent of her's. She rolled onto her side, stretching and giving out a big yawn before she tipped over and fell onto the floor off the side of the bed face first. Muffy groaned, rolling onto her back and looking up at the ceiling. She reached under the bed beside her for a knife before throwing it at the ceiling, where it stuck up there with a couple other knives she had thrown up there previously. ...What? Muffy's gotta have something entertaining to do here and there, and if she can't blow things up knife throwing is a pretty close second! Muffy stared at the ceiling drowsy-eyed;...was there something important going on today? Muffy had to lie there and think for a bit. ...OH! It was [i]that[/i] day! And just like that Muffy's eyes go wide open before leaping to her feet. Now wide awake to the remembrance of today was the day the team was going out on the field. The field! With possible...explosions! Oh how long it's been! Muffy giggled at a reasonable volume to herself as she squirmed where she stood in excitement, her giggle giving a tint of deranged at the end. From that point, with all the excitement she needs, she proceeded to slap on whatever clothing would be expected while her pajamas would be left on the ground in the already slightly messy room. Muffy exited her room started her way towards the briefing room in a short dash with her hands in pockets and her body bent forward as if she was about to headbutt someone, which would make some passerbys jump in a startle if any, but with her dash being short her pace transitioned to a walk after ending her dash with a little hop and standing up straight. As she reached the briefing room, Muffy thought of something just a couple seconds before she entered. "BOOOOM!" her sudden entrance, that seemed casual at first, started with an 'imitation' of an explosion before quickly slamming the side of her fist to the wall, following a quick one to two second pause, "...I'm here lassies." The unpredictable had came to Muffy, and Muffy followed through. Usually when she would do something like that people would either be really annoyed or they would jump where they were sitting or standing getting at least some of the living crap scared out of them, which was better for Muffy since she ca get one hell of a good laugh out of it.