When Anna entered the room she instantly recognised a thick tension in the air between her comrades Evelyn and Max. Despite not knowing each other for very long a outsider could easily make the mistake of assuming that from the way the two interacted with each other that they must have long and bitter past with each other, but as far as Anna knew this was not the case. Not wanting to get involved with the interpolitics of the group, Anna ignored the tension and gave a curt nod to Evelyn. And within a few short moments the tension in the air vanished as Muffy, their Irish comrade, burst into the room with the volume of a explosion, something which she seems to have tried to emulate. [i]Will she be a burden? If she makes this much noise during the mission then shes going get us killed[/i] Anna said to herself as she looked Muffy up and down [i]Lets just hope her skills make up for it[/i] Anna continued as she turned back to Evelyn awaiting orders