[COLOR=lightblue][b][u]Energy Twinkle[/u][/b] She had been prepared for him to come after the scroll floating in front of her. What she hadn't expected was for him to crash into her as well, causing the both of them to land in a heap on the forest floor. "[b]Gah-ow![/b]" Oh, she was going to feel that one tomorrow. Apparently, shifting into a human didn't do her fragility any good. She stopped at that thought. "Shifting into a human"? Widening her eyes, she sat up as Rhys stumbled off her. The spell must have affected him too, her mind numbly noted. Right now, though, she was concerned about herself. She was smaller in size, that was for sure as the trees around them were noticeably larger than before. What was strange was that her entire physique had changed. Her skin was way paler than her usual colour but they still retained a brown-ish hue. However, she knew that the humans tended to come in few different colours in so many different shades and she had often wondered why when her own kind was limitless in terms of colours. And...it was her [i]skin[/i]. She didn't have scales anymore. Just soft, squishy, vulnerable skin. Energy poked her hands a few times before sighing. "[i]Way to increase my frailty[/i]," she thought wryly. Her limbs were different too. Her claws were gone, replaced by pink nails. She had ten fingers and probably ten toes on her feet. She couldn't really count because she had odd, cloth thingies that were grey and had blue strings knotted on top of them covering her feet. Shoes, she recalled them to be. She had on other human accessories on her too. A soft, thin light brown long-sleeved shirt with familiar diamond blue stripes running across its front. A glance at her back showed that there were stripes too, at the back of her shirt, though not connected to the ones in front. The stripes on both sides had spiky ends. A pair of black slacks went all the way down her legs. Something soft brushed her cheek. Mildly irritated, she swatted it away, only for it to fall back against her face. With a slight frown, she grabbed it and tugged, only to realise that she also had hair now. Fascinated, she brought it to her front, inspecting the strands that now brushed against her back and shoulders, covering her neck. It was dark brown, the same colour as the scales she used to have. With a slight grin, she instinctively got onto her hands and knees before remembering that humans were supposed to be bipedal. Huffing, she got up slowly, first on one knee, then her own two feet. Unused to her new centre of balance, she stumbled, before steadying herself with the huge root protruding from the ground. Due to her new small size, calling the root a towering wooden wall was more apt. Her legs were trembling, she realised. She wasn't used to this new form and so, her new limbs weren't used to carrying around her weight either, it seemed. Thinking back on the spell, Energy had also now discovered the difference between it and a regular camouflage spell. It didn't just camouflage the caster, it completely changed their physiology altogether. Technically, it was her fault that they both had changed so she supposed she deserved the consequences of this incident. One thing she was glad for, though, was that she wasn't completely human. She could feel her dragon ears hidden within her long straight hair - and she reached up with a hand to affirm this - and look at that! Her long tail had stuck with her! "[b]Oh my faithful tail! I wouldn't know what I'd do without you![/b]" she cried happily, snuggling her tail against her cheek with her hands. Which required taking a hand off the root so she promptly fell on her butt. "[b]Oomph![/b]" Wincing, she rubbed her bottom before noticing that her tail was stripeless. It was just a plain brown tail now. "[i]Huh.[/i]"[/COLOR]