Telio pulled Meryn's attention again as the odd metal bird began muttering to itself. She managed to tear her eyes from the new discovery long enough to fully process what her companion was saying. At being asked her name, Meryn looked down at herself, only te remember she wasn't wearing her jacket ā€“ so she wasn't wearing her name tag. Reaching down to fumble with her still damp jacket tied to the strap of her bag, she took the time to address Telio's other questions. She gestured with her chin over to where the group still was and gave a quick thumbs up with her free hand before devoting it, too, to her search. Eventually her fingers fumbled around the smooth wood of her pin. Curling her hand around it, she gave a quick yank, ripping the pin out of the fabric. Her jacket was an old, tattered thing ā€“ one more hole wouldn't hurt. Then pin, on the other hand, was clearly a craft of quality. Smooth, varnished wood, delicately engraved with her name and attached to a shining silver rod to pin it to her clothes. In the years she'd had it, it was the one thing that never showed any wear from her lifestyle. Meryn pinned her name tag to her loose cream-colored top. She gave it a tap, looking up at Telio. Then the odd bird was back, and it was [i]talking to her[/i]. Meryn still wasn't used to that. But then she glanced down at its outstretched wing, holding some sort of lens out to her. Raising an eyebrow, she looked up to the bird'sā€¦ face(?) before glancing back down. She only hesitated for a moment before reaching out to take it, throwing a look Telio's way. Raising the glass to her eye, she breathed in a sharp gasp at what she saw. The bird's metallic voice seemed far away as Meryn spun, taking in the hidden wonders. Once again, she was captured in the thrall of discovering something new, a delighted smile growing on her face. Lowering the lens, she held it out to Telio, eager to share this wonder with someone. Meryn turned back to the bird, green eyes bright. She pressed her lips together in a brief moment of hesitation before plowing ahead. Looking down into her bag again, she dug her hand in. The felidrake still seemed grouchy, but it was preoccupied with eating the rest of her food. Meryn tried not to roll her eyes as she avoided touching it to pull out the tiny silver bell. Triumphant, she held it out to the bird between her two fingers. The name and the rune glistened in the light as she eagerly hoped for some sort of explanation. [@takashi]