Saturday. After a week of going about her daily life, it was on Saturdays and Sundays Ryoki felt she could relax just a [i]little[/i] bit more than usual. And by a little, it really meant sleeping in till ten or eleven AM rather than waking up at eight and drugging herself on coffee. Though even as her ten AM alarm went off, she still could barely bring herself to exit her humble abode; her safe haven of solitude; her extremely comfortable and warm, snugly, cozy bed. Practically dragging herself to the kitchen of her small apartment, [url=]Ryoki fumbles as she puts on a simple, pre-recorded tune from her stereo[/url], not bothering with the fact the song was looping over and over. In a way, it was actually helping in waking her up. Feeling sluggish still, she began to make herself a coffee, staring out the window as the coffee machine did it's work. [i]'I'm so tired... I stayed up late last night recording the remainder of my script for that anime, and then... Oh god, I don't want to think about it.'[/i] She thought to herself, just as her coffee machine ticked, signifying that her messiah-juice was ready. Despite her energetic outlet from daytime till midnight, Ryoki can't stand mornings, no matter what time it is she has to wake up. It wasn't that she particularly disliked them; it was more of a matter of not being able to handle them so well. Even so, all it took for her was one black coffee and she was good to go. She wasn't going to perform today, and couldn't be bothered with working on her music. After all, it was her day off! She knew she couldn't lounge around in her home forever - that's what Sunday was for. Saturday's were days of reluctant adventure and going out to have a good time, be it at the club, the arcade (you're never too old to go arcading!), the casino, or even just hanging around at Shine Junction. And thus, Ryoki was going to spend the day out and about, just after she had [i]one last coffee[/i]... "... Plot twist! My day's been ruined!" The black-haired girl exclaims to herself in fake joy as she stares into the empty coffee jar. Feeling a twinge of regret in her heart, Ryoki sighs and goes to get dressed in her regular day-by-day attire: a button-up white shirt with her slightly frilly black skirt, black stockings and high heels. And of course, the main piece: her black and yellow scarf which never left her side. It was something she always wore. It was something she kept precious to herself. After all, it belonged to her grandmother before she passed away - a figure Ryoki always looked up to and respected. Fully dressed and mostly ready to go, Ryoki turns off the stereo and heads out of her apartment, into the streets of Shine City and making her way to Mochavine Cafe and Bar. After all, where else was she going to get a killer coffee capable of waking her from her dreaded, sleep-deprived self? She could also get some coffee beans there, too, which was what she really needed in the first place. As she passes through the streets with effortless familiarity, Ryoki thinks to herself how she would possibly spend the day. Of course she was going to visit the Junction, but there were other activities which would be more exciting later in the day in which she could participate in. There was the casino, and the club, restaurants, and... [hr] ... Pretty soon, she found herself outside of her destination. Ah, she absolutely [i]adored[/i] this little place. It was where everything all started for her, after all. Where she got her first venue, and got her first fans (that weren't her parents). Of course, she wasn't anywhere near as good twelve years ago compared to today, but even so, they were fond memories. As she enters, Ryoki inhales deeply, as the [i]lovely[/i] aroma of coffee wafted through the cafe. Without skipping a beat, she takes a seat up at the bar. She just [b]had[/b] to get that daily fix. "One black coffee, please," she tells the bartender, smiling at with that same old pervy grin of hers. "No cream, thank you...!" And winks, before giggling to herself. Saturday. It was [i]always[/i] a day filled with adventure.