[h2][center][color=brown]Tim Vernil - Still Tuesday morning - Flying through the air[/color][/center][/h2] Today was a day to remember. It may have been even more important than the day before, as this would ultimately decide whether or not Tim would be a hunter. Like the day before, the weather was sunny. A few clouds dotted the skyline, but no major cloud formations in sight. Good weather for an important day, like Monday had good weather for an important day. And like Monday, Tim was not enjoying it. Maybe it had to do something with sailing in the sky. [color=brown]"FUUUUUUUUUU-!"[/color] He yelled again, still flying. He body spun in the air, unbalanced and disoriented by the launch. His mind raced as he flew, desperately trying to regain control over his body. He was unsure which way was up and which way was down, but he was sure the contents of his breakfast were supposed to be going the other way. Tim gagged, burped and held his mouth shut with his hands. His body was spinning, his head was spinning; everything was spinning, and he could taste something rancid coming up from the back of his throat, which he was sure shouldn't be there. Desperately trying to control his flight and not die, Tim closed his eyes and forced himself to focus. [color=brown][i]This is nothing.[/i][/color] He told himself. [color=brown][i]I'm not dying right now.[/i][/color] As he opened his eyes, he was met with a sea of green speeding past in front of him. [color=brown][i]I'm horizontal?[/i][/color] Tim thought. He quickly looked around him, confirming his findings. Features flew by very quickly, but he discerned that he was indeed horizontal. However, he was slowly spinning, and he could feel himself slowly lose altitude. [color=brown][i]Fuck.[/i][/color] He thought. He had seconds at best. [color=brown][i]Better make this count then.[/i][/color] Tim thought. But as Tim hurtled through the air, he came upon the question looming over the whole situation like a sword of Damocles. [color=brown][i]What can I actually do about this?[/i][/color] Tim still had MJ, kept safe in hiss vice-like instinctive grip. Other than that, all he had was a sick stomach. And that meant that he'd have to get lucky. His body had slowed down enough to actually begin descending, meaning that while he had very little time, he could at least see where he would land. He was gently sloping down towards an uneven batch of trees, unremarkable in almost any way. There was nothing he could see that could break his fall, save for brushing through a few trees perhaps. He had nothing else, so it'd have to do. Tim braced his limbs, managing to stop his rotations for the most part. His stomach churned with nervousness as he prepared to at least try to land safely. He went over the steps in his head. What he needed to do was get MJ under him to break his fall, somewhere where the force of the ball hitting the ground transferred to Tim's body would damage the least amount of things. Tim readied his body, tilting himself sort of upright and held MJ in both hands. [color=brown][i]Where the heck am I supposed to put this?[/i][/color] He thought. But while he was musing, he forgot one crucial thing. Something that would literally turn his world upside down. He'd forgotten that trees exist. As he was thinking, his legs caught the very top of a particularly big tree. Tim's body was flipped out of balance and he began panicking. [color=brown]"SHI-"[/color] Tim began before bile clogged his throat. He curled up in middair around MJ, currently upside down, desperately trying to swallow down the rancid liquid travelling up his throat. Branches whipped past him as he tried to regain his balance. He finally managed it, turning upright soon before he hit the ground. He lifted MJ above to hid head, partially to calm his brain and partially so he could see below. He saw the ground rushing up to give him a welcoming gift. An Ursa lay right in his path. [hr] [center][h3][color=black]An ursa - Tuesday Morning - Forest floor[/color][/h3][/center] It was quiet on the forest floor this morning. The weather was quite temperate, and the ursa was simply loafing around. It had very little to do today, since nothing was really happening. It'd eaten its breakfast, it'd done its daily routine. No other Grimm had walked into its territory, so no fights to be had. It was very peaceful, very boring. But that would soon change. [hr] Tim came hurtling into the poor ursa, MJ slamming into the poor beast's head with an audible [i]thunk[/i], while the rest of Tim's body slammed into the creature, slamming it into the forest floor, shaking the nearby trees and kicking up a cloud of dust and leaves. The Ursa twitched and Tim groaned, stirring from his experience. His grip tightened on MJ as he tried to get to his knees. He held his face with the other hand and groaned some more. His head was still spinning and he felt like throwing up. Getting to his feet, hand still on his face, he staggered off of the ursa and dropped to his knees on the forest floor, hands held on his head in an attempt to ward off the nausea. The Ursa squirmed under MJ, attempting to get up and exact retribution, but it found itself pinned by the impossible weight of the silver sphere. [color=brown]"Fuck."[/color] Tim said, still nauseated. His head throbbed, though the spinning was dying down, and his stomach heaved from his experience. His heart hammered away in his chest, trying to convince Tim with much prejudice that he was still alive. Tim breathed in and out slowly, trying to control his symptoms. [color=brown][i]1, 2. 1, 2. In and out.[/i][/color] It worked. The world stopped spinning and the bile in his throat quickly retreated down from whence it came. His stomach still churned a little, but less violently than when he'd been in the air. As the Ursa struggled under MJ's weight, Tim shakily rose to his feet. He no longer felt like he needed to throw up and he was sure the symptoms wouldn't come back. The Ursa, meanwhile, had managed to pry its hands under MJ, and it began attempting to lift the metal sphere. Suddenly, the weight lifted and the Ursa sagged with relief, until it realised that Tim was still there. [color=brown]"Thanks for helping me, bear,"[/color] Tim said, raising MJ menacingly. The Ursa tried to swing at Tim, even at his awkward position. [color=brown]"and goodbye."[/color] Tim said, throwing the ball down. As the ball left his hands, Tim amplified its weight several times over. It bore down faster than it should onto the Ursa's face, smashing into the creature's nose with an audible crack. The beast's face instantly caved in, crushed by the momentum of a ball heavier than it should be. The Ursa's body twitched as blood oozed from the crater created by MJ, before finally becoming still. Tim picked up MJ, reducing its weight when he touched it, as the Ursa's body decomposed into shadows. [color=brown]"That was quite something."[/color] Tim sighed, turning away from the disappearing corpse. He tucked MJ under his arm and adjusted his ruffled scarf before turning around to gauge his surroundings. [color=brown]"What do I do now?"[/color] He asked, to no one in particular.