[center][h2][color=darkslategray]Varen Payle - Emerald Forest - Tuesday Morning[/color][/h2][/center] [@Pyromania99] For a few moments as she sailed through the air, Varen felt somewhat refreshed. The air was nice, the sun was out, and it was generally good weather all around. It reminded her of something a teacher at Signal had said once in a lesson she hadn't really been listening to. A painter had fallen from the top of a clock-tower once all the way to the ground. He survived apparently, and he'd said: "While I was falling, I was fine. It was only when I hit the ground that I realized I was in trouble." Mostly it only reminded her of her current situation because it was one of the few times where she was warm and awake. The sun had been nice that day and she was sitting close to the windows, and she had been falling asleep, but she really wasn't sure what had spurred the teacher to mention that quote considering they were in a lesson about Math, so that had woken her up. The treeline was looming closer and closer however, so Varen didn't have any more time to reminisce. She braced herself for impact as she brushed the top of a tree, snapping off weak branches as she hurtled past. (Kinda in this direction) [img]http://i.imgur.com/ISp9raA.png[/img] Reaching out with one of her arms, she swung off the a solid-looking branch changing her momentum from downwards to forwards. (like this) [img]http://i.imgur.com/zeDQ7zn.png[/img] She hit the ground rolling (sideways of course), the Ammo Box making it an extremely uncomfortable trip. She came to a sudden stop as she hit something big. She looked up to see an Ursa, out cold but not dead. Immediately her mind went into battle mode. Thoughts of what had totalled it left her mind as she sprang into action. In one fluid motion she rolled backwards, grabbed the comfort grip from her Ammo Box and slotted it in as she got up into a firing position. One shot, all 9 pellets going into the Ursa. The Ursa evaporated confirming its death as Varen spotted a girl with golden curls walking further into the forest. Instantly Varen's mind froze up as she tried to think about how to call out to her. The principal had said the first person they made eye contact with was their partner for the next four years but that was kind of a weird thing to call out to someone for when you didn't even know them... But wait, pretty much everyone was going to do that, chances are most of the people here would be paired up with people they didn't know existed prior to initiation. So maybe she could do it without it seeming rude but still, it felt kind of iffy for her. [b][color=darkslategray]"Uhh... Hey!"[/color][/b] She called out awkwardly, [b][color=darkslategray]"The Ursa wasn't dead!"[/color][/b]