[center][h3][color=82ca9d]Heather Di Mint - Patch - tuesday morning[/color][/h3][/center] [@Katakon][@KiltmanBagz] Heather... panicked a little bit when Paris asked why she was so... dishevelled. Was it that obvious? Well... her hair was wet and more than a little messy, her pigtails were obviously quickly done and generally less neat than normal, and her boots were both not ties. Heather blushed from emmbaraasment at her own appearance and immediately bent down to tie her boots as she responded ti Paris, [color=82ca9d]"Uh... no I slept um fine... it's just uh... I was... um shower, and... w-I! Uh... when Ironwood came over the... intercomm so... had to get um... dressed real quick so..."[/color] well... she wasn't TECHNICALLY lying to Paris, and she was babbling like she usually did when she was nervous. She caught a look from Carlin that made blush as she came up from tying her boots, knowing that as soon as they were seperated from the group with Carling Heather would no doubt be interrogated. She started trying to fix her pigtails as she waited to be told where she was going, [color=82ca9d]"So... uh... are we in teams or pairs?... You know for... the... mission?"[/color]