[color=ed1c24]"Placement duels? Oh wonderful...looks like it's time for some plebs to put up or shut up."[/color] Andre grumbled as he sat up and walked over towards the arena to find a seat. His face was plain disdain for the predictament he was in. Hopefully he would be placed somewhere near the end. Less people would be there. Less eyes watching. He had no intent on making a show for a bunch of people he could care less about then trash. He put his deck in it's place in the duel disk and pulled out one of the top cards he had placed on top. [color=ed1c24]"Archfiend Emperor...I'm going to do all I can to break my enemy. So you're going to help me buddy. I got plans. I just need to know what my opponent is playing. And you...you're going to live up to your name Lord of Horror."[/color] Andre grumbled none to happy about having to duel in front of a live audience, which reminded him of his 'good old days', too much. Andre decided to go to Arena 1 though he had no preference one way or another. === Ben smiled feeling like he was a new man. He was wondering if he was going to be dueling in front of others! It was time to make a good impression on his opponents. And his hopefully future classmates. He didn't care how well he did as long as the duel went well. He knew Andre would probably be wanting to kill someone metaphorically but he suspected he would be in for more than he could handle. Or he could be wrong Andre was a beast no matter who his opponent was. He was one of the Three Brothers of Destiny after all. Back home they used to call them the strongest family team in the city. If only their big brother was here...but he was working for Industrial Illusions at the moment. Andre looked at Noble Knight Borz and Medraut from his deck and smiled. [color=fff200]"Well guys only one way to prove ourselves. That's to get our game on."[/color] Ben said smiling as he ran off towards Arena 2.