[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/6kLSgK9.jpg[/img] [h2][color=#ed9121]M[/color][color=#ee9a33]a[/color][color=#f0a345]t[/color][color=#f1ac57]t[/color][color=#f3b56a]h[/color][color=#f4be7c]i[/color][color=#f6c78e]a[/color][color=#f7d0a0]s[/color][color=#e88813] K[/color][color=#d57d11]o[/color][color=#c37210]r[/color][color=#b1680e]f[/color][color=#9f5d0d]r[/color][color=#8d530b]ed[/color][/h2] [img]http://www.clipartbest.com/cliparts/aTq/bEA/aTqbEAebc.png[/img] [h3][sup][color=7d7d7d]SOLDIER base: Residential Quarters[/color][/sup][/h3][color=#6e655e]___[/color][color=#766356]____[/color][color=#7e624e]____[/color][color=#856147]____[/color][color=#8d5f3f]______[/color][color=#955e37]_________[/color][color=#9d5d2f]______[/color][color=#a55c27]_____[/color][color=#ad5a1f]_________[/color][color=#b45918]_______[/color][color=#bc5810]____[/color][color=#c45608]_____[/color][color=#cc5500]_____[/color][/center] [sub][color=#8d530b][h1]Earlier.[/h1][/color][/sub] [color=#f9d9b2]The world etched to a blur, fluttering a seam of grayness high above and conjured billows of funneling cyclones that gushed piercing howls of savage winds. Shrill clatters of lightning scintillated a vast uproar of gleaming light, striking at a swiftness beyond a vigilant's gaze while smaller flickers of it expanded beneath the conduits of thick belching clouds. Tress danced in hapless grace as their stand became swiveled by surging winds; their meager leaves flew violently from its channel and swirled towards the nothingness that followed it. A cold thread of mist swallowed the residue of life form, casting an obscure hollow of oblivion as the storm brought forth its decaying emanation. Matty stood above an uncanny platform, amorphous to what it was and bizarre as how it lifted him mid-air. He felt the stifling coldness of an unwavering tempest, biting the warmth from the armour he donned. The murky mist erased half of what he saw as it proceeded on devouring what his vision could've unraveled. The stormy gust of wind deemed worse as it forced his balance to falter away from the strange rostrum. Chaos was the only notion his mind could register as the roaring thunder deafened his aural faculty, wobbling the equilibrium of his already clogged perception. Matty later yelled a singular inflection of fear and uncertainty, racing his mind to battle an evoking maelstrom as it amplified itself with each passing minute. "Help me!" A crumbling fold of lighting followed after a superficially familiar voice implored an unheralded entreaty. From above, clouds loomed a circular opening ― a gaping maw of surging mass that encompassed the gray-blanketed sky. Shards of lightning panned to connect from its rift following a prodigious downpour. "Matty, please ... help me!" The voice echoed from all proportions despite the drowning racket of thunder and rain. From its timbre struck Matty to his own surprise, knowing how gravely familiar it was. "Jacky," His sights sifted albeit the zero visibility from what the mist provided. He craned recklessly, eager to find where his deceased fiancee stood about. "Where are you? Jacky!" Matty cried out and continued until his voice frayed and dried up. "I'm here, Matty." It stuttered along the lines of its words, shaking from the inevitable lack of certainty subjected from what the voice truly was, whether it'd be a piddling mirage summoned by the storm's continual wrath or a memory inscribing a void planted from Matty's wounded heart. "Help me get out of here, please." "Where are you Jacky?" Matty continued to aimlessly wander against ravaging squalls and roars of heavy rainfall until a swift and mighty ram of lightning struck the skies, piercing his ears from its rumbling clap, eventually losing the balance he have on the platform's stand. He nearly fell but immediately took hold while the rest of him remained suspend mid-air. Then a [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/b/b7/BlackIceAnivia.laugh01.ogg/revision/latest?cb=20130505123323&filename=BlackIceAnivia.laugh01.ogg]laugh[/url] was uttered ― a vicious, sinister snicker redeeming a vile pitch of hinted iniquitous intentions. It lasted for a few seconds before being interrupted by a booming growl of thunder. "She's gone now," What Matty heard before transcended into a deep, echoing mesh of malice voiced within the tendrils of hatred and rage. "And soon, you will be too." Leaden clouds girdled in convulsion, seething a rapid heave of twisting gusts that formed a swirling monster. The immense strength of the tornado hollowed the remnants left by destruction, uprooting damaged trees and consuming them to its giant, cavernous vortex. It danced within an approximate distance before the platform where Matty stood and slowly, his strength started to wear out as the tornado's power pulled him away from his resistance. --- Abruptly, Matty rose despite being bristled from the rigidity of his weariness. Eyes wide, panning throughout the sections of his room while his breaths throbbed wildly. Unwrapping himself from his clean, tender blanket, he kicked himself out of his bed then started to scrutinize what he had just underwent from a distant vision. He sauntered towards the mirror, fixating in its direction only to see a shirtless reflection of himself. He felt cold and this time it wasn't a reverie. He then drifted away from the mirror and settled himself down as he went back to his bed. Hands buried a part of his face as Matty exhaled a soft wisp of air. "Christ." He murmured to himself, plunging all of his weight and laid himself back on top of the bed. Throughout the recent weeks, Jacqueline started to become a subject of his rousing nightmares. The sulking memoir of her death was the fuel of a never-ending torment, ceaselessly plunging Matty below an abyss thwarted by dismay and a dreary apparition. Despite moving forward from the unpleasant tragedy, the ashes molded by his tenacious grudge remained crawling around his reasoning. Such took direct effect to the influences of his sleep, later adjourning a subtle and solemn night into terrorizing shrieks of unsavory dreams. Often did he become frustrated about how these frequented his firm grip towards solitude. However, having an established patience has its advantages. At times, Matty consulted people close to him about his swirling nightmares, seeking succinct opinions and advices on how to overcome it. It took a positive effect but even after awhile, a dose of his nightmares still returned. Matty winced as he felt the persisting pain lodging through his left shoulder. Perhaps the idea he had yesterday of an exaggerated weightlifting demonstration was beyond appalling. At times, his humbleness was his widely known quality as he recurrently regarded his works for the betterment of others. Yesterday was far from that as he lately realized that only his shallow bravado was flaunted from his facade. He felt embarrassed himself that the majority of the said demonstration was only him showing off his strength and expertise on the field of weightlifting only to be rewarded with an unwanted consequence. Subsequent thuds of knocking hammered the door to his room, placing an urge to get up from bed in spite of the stiffness he felt. "Yes?" His voice raised, making sure to let the person hear it. "It's Jacob." "In a moment." Puzzled from his friend's early visit, Matty slowly got up, groaning in the process then limped a couple of steps towards his dresser where he grabbed a red bathrobe. "What do you need by the way?" It took a mere moment before a response was voiced out. Matty was about to open the door before being forced to halt and remain to where he stood. "You don't have to open the door. I just ..." Jacob held the words to an obstruction, a quaver from his voice gave an obvious note that something's amiss, not that it'd severely worry Matty but he was always the curious kind. "Well I―" "I'm listening." Delving behind the younger man was perhaps a perplexing task Matty could've appointed himself with. Lately he believed there was something hidden among his abrupt and incomplete speeches and the mystifying truths it bore had Matty doused into the deeper facets of his own curiosity. "Uh, I'll just tell you at the training grounds. Anyway, uhm ... did you notice your name from the announcement earlier?" "What announcement?" Matty raised an eyebrow as he stood idly between the draperies on his room's walls. Most of them adorned the arrangement of picture frames and other works of art. "Oh, Uh, you were required to attend something. Not sure what it was but for certain the co―" "I'll be there swiftly. Please, let them know if they start to question my punctuality." "Alright and uhm ... sir Matthias?" "Matty." Matty corrected. Of all the things deemed worse, being called apart from his nickname proved to be rather vexatious. "Sorry, I mean―" "Look Jacob. If you're going to say something, don't be bothered on saying it directly to me. I'm not going to do anything vile to you as long as―" "Thank you." After cutting his words off, Jacob left with the sound of his footsteps clunking towards a different location. it left Matty to wonder about the uncertainty residing at the cadet. Whatever his last statement meant might have something to do with the favours he often did with new students. Perhaps he could assume it was for that reason but the truth was yet to be known.[/color] [sub][color=#8d530b][h1]At the council room.[/h1][/color][/sub] [color=#f9d9b2]For the duration of his rushed preparation had Matty wore his usual attire for the conference. Dressed with formal apparel comprising of a long-sleeved shirt tucked inside of his dark-coloured slacks. His leather shoes brimmed an elegant glow as he ambled within the halls, greeting passersby with a mirthful smile and a courteous gesture. Occasionally, there'd be people who would stop by and constrain his attention upon them, later conversing about the plans he was bringing forth for the new SOLDIER cadets. As he redundantly mentioned, it was yet to be drafted and finalized. Matty often ended those queries with an abrupt and incomplete statement just to span away from their sights. Upon opening the doors to the designated room, Matty came across a few familiar faces. Though it'd be a bit of an effort to greet them individually, he rested upon an unbiased decision by waving his hand with a smile following thereafter. "Pleasant morning, everyone." He hailed, allowing glee to harmonize with his voice. While waiting for things to get started, Matty found a chair to relax on. He crossed his legs and tapped a finger across the chair's wooden arm as he sat. He enjoyed the quiet state for awhile until Hal bustled in surprisingly. Despite how sudden it was, Matty fell in hilarity as he chuckled towards Hal's peculiar request. "Hey look at you ..." Matty meddled with the scents his nose were manifesting. He was certain his shower session was thorough regardless of being done in a rush. As carefully reckoning on his scrutiny, later did he realize the scent was merging with Hal's. Matty hid his grimace as he tried to proceed with his words. "Alright Hal, let's have a deal. I'll cook something special after this and have champagne to top it all off but," He paused, holding his breath for a split second. "you need to tidy yourself first. I'll allow you to borrow any soap I possess as I have an assortment of them. You may even want to consider on owning one but that's up to you." Looking back, Matty could've thought he was mocking him but honesty was always his best solution to everything. Besides, it could further prevent any grueling scents from ever penetrating his sense of smell.[/color]