Xavier awoke to the feel of paws pressing against his chest, licks running over his face and chin. He grimaced, pressing the dogs face away from him. He grumbled," stop Leo, get off!" He slowly sat up, running a hand through his wild and crazy hair with a grumble. He slowly got up, avoiding the wiggling and happy dog around his legs. He was sure that Leo was a puppy still, despite being several years old. He was way too happy in the morning. He snatched a shirt from his dresser, tugging it on over his head with a yawn. He trudged downstairs, his footfalls heavy on the ground. Walking over to the backdoor, unlatching the dog door, before grabbing the water and food bowl from its mat. Filling both up, he returned upstairs. After a quick shower, he tugged on clean clothes, letting his fingers drift over the scars on his arms. He still wondered what they were from. Running his hands through his hair to ensure that his hair looked decent, he once again clomped downstairs. After grabbing a quick snack, he left out the garage door, hoping on his motorcycle and turning it on. Rolling out, he tore off down the street, heading towards his least favorite part of every day. School. He got off his motorcycle before walking inside, looking around briefly before heading to his first class. He was almost late, but he generally always arrived at this time. Entering the class, he gazed around for the empty seats, and spotting one next to a girl by a window. He walked over, easily dodging around desks and backpacks, before sitting. A startled gasp sounded from him when his eyes laid sight on the picture she was drawing, his heart pounding in his chest. That looked exactly like he place that he had seen in his dreams, over and over. He then let out a slight hiss of pain, his hand flying to the scars on his arms as pain radiated through his arm and back. [@Arista]