Rayne blinked slowly and jerked her gaze away from the window, the hiss drawing her attention. Glancing dorm she noted that while her mind had wandered her hand had taken to drawing of its own accord. Glancing up at the male and noticing how tightly he clutched hid arms, she places her pencil down and shifts her gaze away to check the time. Class would be starting soon. "Are you alright?" She asked quietly, a strange ache began in her chest and her hand reached up to rub just above her collarbone. For some reason this male, who she didn't know nor cared to know, had her full attention. Her eyes drifted back to sheet she'd been drawing on ad found the same scene that filled so many of her other notebooks. A faded kingdom seemed to be the focal point, smoke rose in thick clouds as ash fell from the sky. Creatures of Shadows seemed to be in mid-attack position with their clawed hands reaching out. Before the creatures were two figures, their forms were faded but Rayne could make out the small form of a girl and a boy. She never got past this part, it seemed to her that her dreams changed slightly but her drawing of them remained the same. She wondered briefly why that was, she closed her notebook and focused back to the male standing statue still be of her desk. [@SomeoneSomewere]