[b][color=black]Renji Yamada - Beacon Cliffs - Tuesday Morning[/color][/b] [@snarfulblast] Renji paled for the first time in years when he heard Ozpin mention their mode of transport. He looked down at the platform he was standing on. It was mere inches from the ground, but it felt like he was a mile high. [color=black]"Crap."[/color] He said. The word was different coming from his lips. He had heard it said and never understood it's use, until now. Suddenly he hears the gears in motion and a determined face replaces the nervous one. Bracing himself he chooses not to let his fear control him. A moment later he is flying. More like falling with style, but never the less moving through the air. As he flew he took out Serenity's Regret and transformed her into Gunbai/Sickle mode. He had seen some of the others use their firearms to control thier descent, but he had limited ammo and limited time. So he hatched a better plan. Using his body and weapon Renji increased surface area slowing himself somewhat. Then just when he was about to hit a tree he tucked into a ball. Once past the canopy he slung the sickle end of his weapon at the nearest branch. Hooking the limb the momentum swung him like a pendulum. At the crest of the swing he retracted the sickle and threw it again. He repeated the motions twice before at the valley of the third swing he retracted the sickle then using the momentum hit the ground in a sprint. Well, as much of a sprint as Renji was capible of. He ran for a few dozen yards before he caught a glimpse of something odd. A group of three Boarbatusk surrounding something on the ground. He changed his direction towards them to find as he got closer he recognized who was on the ground. [color=black]"Nikolas? Why is he? Nik!"[/color) He shouted as he saw one of the boarbatusk poke him with thier tusk. Transforming his weapon back to rifle mode he took a shot at the closest one. The bullet hit the ground in front of it exploding in a bright flash of light. Turning blindly towards him the boarbatusk charges tucking into a ball a rolling toawards him fast. Renji turned his weapon into it's Getsugasan form and smiled. [color=black]"Batter's up!"[/color] He said as he stopped, squared up, and swung the flat side of the spade tipe at the beast. With a loud TWACK!, the grimm went flying squeeling the whole way. [color=black]"Homerun!"[/color] He said with a chuckle. He had always wanted to say that. To bad Nik was out cold to enjoy the pun. Shrugging Renji didn't have time to worry about that as the other two grimm charged at him. This time he did have time to completely set up for another bad joke. He barely had enough time to swat them away into nearby trees. Quickly changing to his rifle again he shot two more times at the closest one. First was another flashbang followed by a lightning charged round paralyzing it. Going back to gunbai and sickle he charges the other one to try and keep it from rolling into it's deathroll again. Catching up he swings at it with both ends. Getting into a rhythm of blocking and attack he tricks it to attack when it should block. Knocking it prone he drives the sickle into it's empty heart. By then the second boarbatusk had recovered and was charging. Shooting it again proved useless as the round ricocheted off it's armor. When it came close he dodged by jumping over it and swatting downwards with his spade knocking it off track again. Moving quickly he returned the charge and disposed of the beast flinging it into another tree and nearly cutting it in half with his gunbai. With all threats dealt with he approached Nik and woke him up the best way he knew how. SMACK! [color=black]"Wake up partner we have crystals to find and more grimm to slay. No sleeping on the job friend."[/color] He said standing the wolf up. Saying something about heading east sounding like an idea, Renji headed that direction knowing Nik could easily keep up with his slow pace.