Rosanna had to get her workout done before going to work today, she had been slacking lately and had put on 2lbs! How was she ever going to [s]find a hot guy[/s] fit into her Christmas party dress at the end of the month with all this laziness? [hider=Time 2 Tone Up Gurl!] [img][/img] [/hider] The workout was finished, after a quick shower she got changed into her barista outfit and took her moped to work because she knew she was running late! The sky was super clear for a winter afternoon and really enjoyed the cold wind sail through her hair as she hit the shine junction main road on the way to the Mochavine. She had her headphones in as she contemplated the Thursday Night were she found herself jealous of Amaya, she was a little embarrassed for her behavior. But tried to put it behind her as she sang along to her travel playlist. [youtube][/youtube] Arriving at the Mochavine she noticed the place was already quite busy, with no seating space for a lot of the patrons. Her shift would not be an easy one, but she enjoyed the social atmosphere, and began to put on her best smile. As she got behind the counter she was approached by a VERY attractive man with black hair, she recognized his Casino Players outfit and realized he must be the [b]Yutaro[/b] that she heard about on the radio this morning. Even with her dark hispanic complexion she was able to blush quite visibly as he made eye contact with her, she giggled under her breath and smiled [i][color=ec008c]Hi, I'm guessing you want a coffee right? I bet the job at the casino demands a lot of energy, so I'll get you something strong kay?[/color][/i] Straight after a very pretty girl with black hair and [b]yellow/black scarf[/b] asked her for a black coffee and Rosanna winked and nodded as she asked. Rosanna would usually feel an overwhelming sense of jealousy when seeing a new pretty lady, but something about this one was just....[i]dayumn...[/i] Rosanna shook her head as a couple flashes of suggestive images entered her head. Before she even had time to really contemplate her [i]curiosities and prefrences[/i] she was alerted by one of the most lovely sounds she ever heard. It was the soft but assertive footsteps of [b]Shou Matsuoka[/b] he seemed to be in contemplation of wether to order because of the limited space, but Rosanna called out from behind the counter. [i][color=ec008c]Hi Professor! we got one slice of cheescake left! and plenty of Mocha Latte! [/color][/i] Rosanna flashed her signature smile as the unbelievably sexy Shou looked over. As Rosanna smiled she noticed the popular [b]Nori Haywood[/b] pressing up flyers on the notice board. Rosanna reminded herself to see what that was about when she had time, she also noticed a girl she hadnt seen before [b]wearing a red scarf[/b] sitting by the window on her own. She was cute, Rosanna silently hoped that [i]she wouldnt steal any attention away from her while so many attractive guys were in the room.[/i] <3