[center] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/2e73e435a62a247ec6aecab10f707219/tumblr_inline_nyd4vlD3Mb1s4m5e8_100.png[/img] [h2][color=f6989d]Kaori Tatsumia[/color][/h2] [hr] [i]Saturday...[/i] With a delighted sigh, a bright red head of hair snuggled deeper into her polka dotted sheets. The sunlight had an almost dreamy effect in her bright colored room, filtering through those poppy printed curtains. Finally, she stretched in her bed and grinned. Curling her toes and pushing her arms out, it felt great not to have to be anywhere. Sunday was her tutoring sessions. Friday she had given her own tutoring to a few other students. Rolling onto her side, she smiled up at the bright blue sky that peeked in on her through the window. Yupe, nothing to do at all toda- EXCEPT GO TO WORK! Scrambling out of bed, Kaori struggled to get out of the tangle of sheets. Racing through her room, she pulled a [url=http://orig00.deviantart.net/9713/f/2014/210/e/7/nanami_haruka_full_render_by_imaginaryanimeworld-d7sr21g.png]long sleeved dress the color of coffee and black tights[/url]. Ah! How could she be so dull witted?! She had only just gotten this job! If she messed up, she'd have to find another, and who knew how long that would take. Stumbling over herself and she raced down stairs, she almost ran into her mother who let out a squeak of fright. Apologizing, she raced ahead to the kitchen where he father sat, grumbling about too much noise on a weekend morning over his paper. Kissing her grumpy papa on the cheek, she snuck a piece of his toast. Her mother just shook her head and laughed as her clumsy daughter stuffed the quick breakfast in her mouth and mumbled a farewell as she pushed shoes on her feet. Brushing crumbles of her face and slinging her purse over her shoulders, Kaori darted down the street. As she rounded her gate she almost ran into her neighbor. With a hasty bow and good morning, she side skirted the old woman, who just laughed and wished her luck. With a wave to the kind elderly lady, the eighteen year old pushed on. It was funny, but running to work like this actually made her feel a bit giddy. The blue sky at her back, her agile legs carrying her swiftly down the sidewalk... Letting out a small laugh, the red head grinned and managed good mornings to everyone in her neighborhood she passed. This was pretty usual for her, always being just a little bit behind. But she always made it to her destination on time. Finally she got to Shine Junction and with a few minutes to spare. Slowing to a stop by the over run [color=a36209]coffee shop[/color], she took a moment to catch her breath. With a small breathless laugh, she stood up straight and straightened her dress. Looking into the window, she combed her fingers through her short clean cut red hair. Pale spring green eyes greet her, bright and glittering with excitement. The first day of any job was always a bubbly mix of nerves, adrenaline, and excitement for her. Giving her best sunny smile to her reflection, she turned and righted herself to a brisk, cheerful walk. [/center]