Jackie smiles back her eyes lighting up with the happiness that she felt. "Yeah, and everyone agrees it really should have happened years ago. Zacharias de Silva, my father has brought this kingdom back to its glory. Before my father became what he is today this kingdom was almost going to go bankrupt. It wasn't until my father was younger than me that he started to make a name for himself in this town making it the tourist attraction it is today. Whatever he has a hand in, it becomes profitable within the next few days to a week or so. I'm very happy for my dad. He deserves the recognition if he's a bit rough around the edges. But I like to think I dispel that roughness that he has. And he doesn't mind telling me so every chance that he gets." She adored that about her dad, how he wasn't shy to say that she was his angel and that she was his entire world where most fathers didn't really think that much of their daughters unless it was to marry them off for some political, monetary or land gain of some sort, loving their sons more for they were the ones that could inherit, work, and whatnot. Yet she was going to inherit everything if her father passed away since her mother had died trying to bring her brother to life.