[h2][color=00b3b3]Katalina Hargrave[/color][/h2] [center]And [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEyOC4zNWM0Y2EuUVd4cFkybGhJRk50YVhSby4w/beyond-wonderland.regular.png[/img][/center] [img]http://img.pandawhale.com/50475-felicia-day-gif-oWA3.gif[/img] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/25de217246c3071d6115d1a0e89f5e64/tumblr_inline_mmn3wtkf8t1qz4rgp.gif[/img] Location: Astronomy Club -> Interacting with: Eachother and Jay [@McHaggis] [hr][hr] Katalina wanted to yell at Jade as she left. She didn't hate her, but apparently, in Jade's mind, everyone was against her, except three people. And what was that about it being a result of Jay and her's break up? They had dated? She let out a sigh and rubbed the bridge of her nose and looked at Ali. She put a hand on Ali's shoulder and rubbed to comfort her a bit. She had taken a brunt of Jade's anger, and didn't really deserve it. As she listened to Jay she paused. [color=00b3b3]"Um, you know, I noticed that there were several people that cut class today, so they might not be in the loop that they are not the only ones with powers. Also, there could be a few others that just arn't a part of Astronomy club, like me, who didn't get the memo that we were meeting over the eclipse. Do you think we should try to reach out to people?[/color] [color=f09fb4]"I guess... but what if they snitch? Or worse, what if they think we're, like, psychos?"[/color] Jay wondered, then frowned pensively. His brows furrowed too. His expression was the epitome of seriousness. [color=f09fb4]"Maybe try, yeah. They shouldn't be alone. What if there's side-effects or something?"[/color] [color=00b3b3]"Thanks Jay. That was all I had to say at the moment."[/color] Kata turned to Alicia and rubbed her shoulder again. [color=00b3b3]"You okay pretty lady?"[/color] Alicia watched as Jade turned around and stormed out of the classroom letting out a quiet sigh, she sat back down in her seat turning to look over at Kat and smiled as she gently patted her shoulder. Her attention went over towards Jay as Kat asked him a question for those who werent apart of the astronomy club, which was a good question. Alicia looked back at Kat asking if she was alright and nodded towards her friend. [color=cyan]"Yeah i'll be fine."[/color] Alicia smiled gently patting her on the shoulder and stretched slightly seeing Mr. Fender coming in, the bell was about to ring. [color=cyan]"I'll text you later Jay and I can help out plan something if you need me to."[/color] Alicia said, and turned to look over at Kat and smiled. [color=cyan]"Should we go?"[/color] [color=00b3b3]"Probably a good plan. Should we head to class or do you wanna do something else with your afternoon?[/color] Kata stood up and streched a bit, and looked at Alicia. Alicia thought for a moment whether to skip class or go back to them, a lot on her mind and tomorrow was going to be rather gloomy for the memorial service. [color=cyan]"If you want to risk getting in trouble we could ditch the rest of the classes for today?"[/color] Alicia suggested. Katalina paused for a moment. It wasn't her normal MO to skip classes, but today had been a weird day, and tomorrow was the memorial service. [color=00b3b3]"Sure, let's ditch. However, if your mom asks, it was all my idea."[/color] Kata offered her friend a smile and her hand. Alicia smiled as she took Kat's hand. [color=cyan]"Thanks Kat, and don't worry about taking the blame, its my own idea anyway."[/color] Alicia said as she got up from her seat and started to head out of the classroom and down the hallway looking over towards her friend. [color=cyan]"So where do you want to go sexy?"[/color] Kata blushed at that and smiled, still holding Alicia's hand. [color=00b3b3]"Hmm well in our little town there arn't many places to go... so... how about the coffee shop? Wait you work there, I'm sure your boss would be suspicious. Hmm, we could hang out at my house? Family is working, like usual. Unless you have somewhere else you wanna go?"[/color] She turned to looked at Alicia as they headed out of the school. "Yeah my boss would instantly call my mom, I swear she has her own little spy ring. Your place works for me." Alicia said with a laugh seeing Kat blush at her compliment and snuck out of the school and walked along side her best friend. "So kind of a weird day huh?" Alicia said softly. [color=00b3b3]"Yeah, I mean now it makes sense why I couldn't get my hair wet in the shower. Also, you got this Magneto thing going on it seems. You arn't going to turn evil on me now, are you?"[/color] Kata chuckled a bit as she and Alicia walked to her house. [color=cyan]"Oh yeah I am so totally going to go evil and fight for mutants and try and take over the world."[/color] Alicia started laughing and shook her head walking backwards to face Kat as they walked along the street. [color=cyan]"I honestly wont ever do that though, besides you can keep me in line if that happens."[/color] [color=00b3b3]"I know, I was joking, but I will keep you in line if needed. Besides if anyone will misuse their powers, its probably going to be King, given how he acts at times."[/color] Kata rolled her eyes as they continued to walk. [color=00b3b3]"Empathy man. He could really mess someone up with that."[/color] "[color=cyan]I knew that you were joking silly."[/color] Alicia said running a hand through her hair and shrugged slightly. [color=cyan]"King's ability would be more creepy he could see what others are feeling, but I guess its completely harmless. You can whip someone around with water if you could."[/color] [color=00b3b3]"I guess that is true. However, that just isn't me. I don't think I could whip people around."[/color] Kata frowned a bit in thought as they continued to walk. [color=00b3b3]"You could do some serious damage to someone with piercings, just yanking them out. Not that you would do that. Man my mind is going to dark places today."[/color] Alicia took a step closer and gently wrapped an arm over her friend's shoulder as they continued to walk alongside one another. "Well what do you want to talk about then that isnt all dark and gloomy?" Alicia asked seeing that they were getting closer towards Kat's house now. "And I wouldnt use my powers to do anything like that, I probably wont even use them at all." Kata blushed. A million things popped to her mind that she wanted to say, but she wasn't sure it was the time. [color=00b3b3]"Hmmm oh well, oh any new games you've been playing that I need to get in on? I think I need to update my Steam wishlist soon."[/color] As they approached the door of the Hargraves house, Kata pulled out her keys and unlocked the door. She held it open and let Alicia in first, and once they were both in the house, she closed and locked the doors. Alicia smiled as she walked into Kat's house being inside hundreds of times before she quickly took off her shoes and thought about the many games coming out. [color=cyan]"Ive been mainly playing Xbox One lately, not to many games are out right now that peeked my interest except for Halo 5 coming out next month, and then Fallout 4 the following month after that."[/color] Kata took off her shoes as well and nodded. [color=00b3b3]"Yeah, and then Tomb Raider at Christmas. Mmm Lara can raid my tomb anyday."[/color] Kata coughed a bit and slung off her backpack and headed for the kitchen. [color=00b3b3]"You want anything to drink or eat? I'm starving, but I did skip both breakfast and lunch on accident."[/color] Alicia giggled as she started to follow Kat into the kitchen, she then pulled herself up onto the counter looking down at Kat. [color=cyan]"Lara is really hot way better then what she looked like in the older games. And Ill just some Coke or whatever soda that you have."[/color] Alicia said lightly swaying her feet back and forth and stretched slightly. [color=cyan]"Why did you skip breakfast? Lunch I understand since the meetng was during lunch."[/color] [color=00b3b3]"Story as old as time Ali, I woke up late and had to run out the door."[/color] Kata walked over to the fridge and opened it, and pulled out a Blue Sky soda and handed it to Ali. She then pulled out some bread, peanut butter and jelly. She started making a sandwich and set it on a plate. [color=00b3b3]"You wanna chill and watch something or do you wanna play something?"[/color] She picked up the sandwich and took a bite as she waited for Ali to reply. [color=cyan]"Well at least you got a little bit of extra sleep, during the school week my mom always forces me to get up so early."[/color] Alicia smiled taking the Blue Sky from Kat's hand and pulled the tab and took a sip from the soda. [color=cyan]"I wouldnt mind watching something, just a movie or whatever is on the TV?"[/color] Alicia asked as she pulled herself off of the counter. [color=00b3b3]"Works for me. Speaking of tale as old as time, wanna watch Beauty and the Beast? Been having a craving for it recently. And honestly I only got extra sleep since I forgot to reset my alarm for the weekday. Silly me."[/color] Kata chuckled and headed into the living room and set her sandwich on the table before digging around in the movie cabinet her parents had. [color=cyan]"Beauty and the Beast works for me, I used to watch it so many times when I was little that my dad and brother were sick of it."[/color] Alicia said with a laugh and followed Kat and sat down on the couch stretching out on it while she watched Kat closely as she searched the cabinet of movies blushing slightly as she stared at Kat's behind. Kata soon pulled out a Blu-Ray, and walked over to the PS4 and popped it in, and then sat down on the couch. [color=00b3b3]"Well, I love this movie, so no worrys on me getting sick of it. Just to warn you, this movie will make me cry at the end."[/color] Kata blushed a bit and scooted close to Ali. Alicia blushed slightly when Kat scooted closer to her and smiled softly and rested her feet on the coffee table in front of them. [color=cyan]"Well its a good thing that we are best friends and like the same movies."[/color] Alicia said as the movie started. [color=00b3b3]"Yes, best friends."[/color] Kata sighed a bit, and turned her attention to the movie as it started. There would be time for lamentations later, but right now, it was movie time.