[center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Percy%20Jackson%20Roleplay%20-%20Characters/Character%20Page%20Gifs/Archer_zpsagv3v8nn.gif[/img][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Percy%20Jackson%20Roleplay%20-%20Characters/Character%20Page%20Gifs/Gideon_zpsyzigqpcr.gif[/img] [h1][color=darkolivegreen]Archer Trey Andrews[/color] and [color=firebrick]Gideon James Carlyle[/color][/h1] [h2]The Training Grounds ~ Camp Half-Blood[/h2][/center] He was knocked completely off his feet, falling to the ground with a huff. His blond tendrils fell in front of his face and he held up his hand, breathing heavily. "Gimme... a... minute..." Sucking in air through his teeth, he let out a wheezing noise before staggering to his feet. The more muscular, towering guy across from him smirked and crossed his beefy arms across his chest, completely ignoring the fact he had one half of a katana pair in his hands. Stabbing it into the ground, he walked closer to the skinny blond and crouched down, scooping up a fall sword and tossing it to the side. He shook his head and let out a sigh. "Athena would be disappointed, Archer," he said with a grin. "Losing to an Ares..." He made a tut noise with his tongue and Archer glared at him from underneath his sweaty hair. "You knocked the wind out of me, Gideon," Archer stated, one arm now wrapped around his stomach. "I think she'll understand." The armor straps pulled tight around his muscles as he straightened up. Gideon laughed, the booming noise echoing across the training grounds. Some of the other trainees turned to look at him. Some of the younger kids looked nervous, and Gideon smirked at them. They all immediately looked away and Gideon rolled his eyes, backing up slightly from Archer. Cracking his knuckles, he walked back a little ways and stood across from Archer, who was leaning back on his heels, still trying to catch his breath. "You ready?" He got a thumbs up from Archer, who was still keeled over. He walked over to the sword that was on the side, taking deep breaths as he walked. He picked it up and Gideon, in turn, picked up his katana pair. Archer made his way back over and stood across from him. "Three. Two. One. Fight!" Gideon yelled and he charged Archer. It was at this moment Ares decided to get bitchy with Hermes. Ares' anger filled Gideon and he slammed down with more force than he meant to. Archer, shocked by Gideon's attack, only barely got his sword up in time to block the attack. He twisted the blades away and dodged out, whipping back around to face Gideon. A burning anger was forming in the pit of Gideon's stomach and his teeth ground against each other. He leapt at Archer again, swinging for his neck. Archer blocked one of the swords with his and swung under the other one. He was honestly surprised at the ferocity that Gideon had. He was fierce when it came to battle, but he normally wasn't this ferocious. He spun out of the way again and this time, he attacked first. He swung for Gideon's arm, but Gideon was able to block it with the flat end of his right katana. He laughed out loud and a chill ran through Archer. That was not a happy laugh. That was one of menace and evil. "You think that attack can work?! Let me show you how it's done," Gideon snarled, his voice dropping to a deep bass. He shoved Archer back, kicking him directly in the stomach. Archer fell backwards, but managed to get into a roll and jump back up to his feet. He held his sword in front of him as a barrier, but Gideon would not stop with that. Gideon charged him again, and swung both his blades together, hooking Archer's sword with both of his. Archer kept a hold of it, but his hands slip, and he felt the rush that normally kept him steady with ασημένια φωτιά slip away from him as he lost his grip. His hands tightened on it, and the rush came back, but late. Gideon pushed forward with his hands, shoving the flat of the blades against Archer's chest and the force knocked Archer back onto his back. Gideon let out a menacing howl and was about to do what he did best, show no mercy. Not even to his friend. Archer saw this in his eyes and rolled up to his feet, drawing his crossbow from his back. Drawing his hand in a straight line in the air, a bolt appeared in his hand. He notched it quickly, raised it to his eyes, and pulled the trigger. Gideon was suddenly dragged back and found himself pinned against the wall of the armory. He tried to jerk free, but the bolt had gone through his loose armor into the wall. "Gideon!" Archer yelled and ran after his friend. He came to a pause in front of him. "You need to cool down. I've never seen you so angry." "I'm fine." "Are you sure? 'cause that didn't look like-" "I said I'm [i]fine[/i]!" he snarled. He lurched against the bolt, but Archer knew that that bolt was not coming out soon. Only he would be able to pull it out from the angle he was at. Gideon glared at him, his eyes dark and almost red colored. The Athena child recognized the eyes of his father in him. "Come on, let's fight." Archer stared at him. The soft thunk of his crossbow and sword could be heard as they hit the ground. Archer stepped back and held up his hands, his dark eyes worried and carefully wary. "I'm not fighting you. Not while you're angry." Gideon growled, but he seemed to get his right of mind back slowly. He took a deep breath, shutting his eyes. He breathed in deep through his nose and let it out slowly, opening his eyes at the same pace, looking back to Archer. The dark brown color was now back. "I'm sorry. Will you help me get this off?" he asked, his voice now quieter. Archer still eyed him, but he stepped around his weapons and, with an easy, swift pull, the sharp bolt slid free of the metal and wood. Archer tossed it by his crossbow and crossed his arms across his chest. Gideon rubbed his arms and lowered his eyes sheepishly. "Sorry. You know I can't control it sometimes when... [i]he[/i] gets angry." "I know," Archer murmured. "Why don't we step back from fighting for a bit? We could head back to your cabin and work on battle strategies for the next Capture the Flag game." "Sure. Good thing too. I heard I'm getting a new camper today," Gideon said, straightening up. He grabbed his katanas off the ground and sheathed them on his back. Archer did the same, but only sheathed his [i]jian[/i]. He wrapped the crossbow over his shoulder, strapping it across his chest. "Really? Know anything about them?" "That's the thing... They haven't told me anything about them. All Mr. D said was I was getting a new one..."