"Ah, good morning." Shou replied absently to the gentleman who had just greeted him, his gaze having been caught by the alluring hue of yellow of a scarf on a woman dressed otherwise quite monochromatically. Shaking his head, he turned his attention to the man who had addressed him, and gave him a gentle, if a little apologetic smile. There was something about his tired brown eyes that really gave away the blaring, obvious fact that [i]Shou Matsuoka was not, and probably never will be, a morning person.[/i] Shou couldn't particularly place his dark brown hair, or his azure eyes, or even his [i]incredibly laid back manner[/i], though he could swear he had seen this man before. ...a lot. Were it not for the fact that he had forgotten his spectacles, Shou might have recognised him as the young man who worked at his favourite optician's, An Eye For Fashion. The old man there was a delight, and he often saw the boy helping him out, as well. Though, as far as he could recall, he had never personally spoken to him. Maybe it was just happenstance or bad timing, but it was most certainly happening [i]now[/i]. "It's very cold out. Almost couldn't get out of bed to make it here." Shou almost whined here, boy did he really hate the cold, but he could definitely agree with the man. "But it definitely warrants a lot of customers. I wonder if there'll be somewhere to sit at all? Usually, you can walk in and sit wherever you'd like. Today...just doesn't seem like it's going to be one of those days, heh." Upon hearing the question, the professor's eyebrow quirked and he flashed the man, or rather boy, as Shou looked him over properly, a lazy sideways smirk. He was younger by quite a few years, but there was a comfortingly casual air about him. "I do. I presume you're a student there...?" His sentence lingered as he tried to grasp for names, but unfortunately, to no avail. He really had never spoken to this man before face to face. In the midst of said grasping, an unexpected yawn made itself apparent. The silver haired man's hand moved to his mouth to gently cup it, as if capturing the yawn itself. "Aah, excuse me. It...mornings are my bane, an-" And here came another one. Goodness, was he awful today. "For...give me, hah. Haven't even introduced myself. My name is Shou, though since you asked whether I worked at the academy, next time you're by, ask for Professor Shou Matsuoka." he continued, still of the impression that the boy was a student, probably doing a completely different course. He looked like one of those students...those who did a subject like computers. Though, Shou could appreciate that. Statistics, technology and science worked hand in hand like charms. As he busied himself with surveying the crowd at the Mochavine, casually leaning against the edge of what seemed to be a notice-board, a small figure and flashes of blonde hair seemed to dart through the crowd of the increasingly long line waiting to be seated. [i]Was the whole damn town here?![/i] And, out of the corner of his eye, he saw the figure emerge from the mass of people, a woman with brilliant amber eyes and carrying a stack of flyers, that she promptly began to put up without another word. He found himself fascinated by her, his eyebrow quirked, though it was still too early and coffee was calling. He let out another yawn. "Ah, pardon me, miss." he stepped aside to allow her more access to the board. She was, after all, separating him and the darker haired boy, after all. Maybe once he'd gotten something to drink - and eat - he'd give her poster a glance on the way out. It looked quite homely compared to some others, he assumed off the bat that it was a pet-adoption flyer or lost-pet advertisement. Just as he was contemplating finding someone who did not look too opposed to the idea of sharing their table with him, Rosanna's familiar voice called out from behind the counter, and his head turned to find its source. There she was, cheeks a little flushed still (she was sporty, as often she had her bag of a change of gym-clothes with her as she changed shifts) and simply glowing. "Ah, Rosanna! You've talked me into it now." he offered her a casual wave and as enthused a grin as he could manage, but with his appearance, dark circles and all, it probably was not very convincing. Worrying for her sake as she seemed to be the only person working there, he called out over the rather noisy crowd, "Are you the only one here today, Rosanna? If you want, I could help you out, after my coffee?" "I..." he began, still a little hesitant and in contemplation still about what to do, and moreso where to sit. The bar looked full, so he was reduced to only the cafe area and the many (mostly occupied) chairs and sofas to choose from. One section caught his eye, however. There seemed to be a young lady in a red scarf sitting by herself in what would have otherwise been a space for four. Of course, it was rude to intrude upon anyone's table, but Shou was getting antsy. Manoeuvring his way past the crowd, he made his way to the counter and his words came softly, breathlessly to Rosanna. "Coffee, black. And cheesecake, definitely. Thanks, Ro'." he shortened her name, giving her a grateful bow of his head before moving away and to the table he saw where the girl with the red scarf was. He approached her with caution, realising just how odd the situation must have been, but on any other day, maybe even weirder than this. "Pardon me, miss. I...would you mind if I were to share this table with you? If it bothers you, that's alright. I'd just like to sit for a coffee and a bite to eat." he spoke to Akane with his hands loosely half-held in his pockets. Hopefully his generally tired look would not frighten her too much. (EDIT: BOSS DON'T KILL ME AOI IS ON HER WAY I SWEAR) [@Beastofdestiny] [@Narcotic Dollie] [@OppositionJ] [@Dynamo Frokane]