[sub]I suppose the Wayback joke has already been used. Oh well, everybody hop into TARDIS.[/sub] [h1][center][color=9966cc]Light Vrangr[/color] Tuesday Morning[/center][/h1] Light woke up that morning, slightly befuddled, but not for the obvious reason. [color=9966cc][i]Alight, I've made it to Beacon.[/i][/color] He thought as he went about his morning routine. [i]I've taken the first big step forward on achieving my life's goal. I feel like I should be more...excited, euphoric, even. But, I'm not sure how I feel.[/i] He pondered this as he finished up and, hearing the announcement, set off for initiation. Light stiffled a yawn as Glenwich and Ozpin traded turns speaking to the students. Light had already looked over them and dismissed most of them as too weak to even swing some of their massive, gaudy, overdone weapons, much less even throw a decent punch. [color=9966cc][i]I bet they give every new students the same speach.[/i][/color] He thought as Ozpin rambled on about compassion and dedication and such. He was vaguely disappointed when he first met Ozpin. From his reputation, Light expected him to be a lot more... He searched for the correct word. Just a lot more. A lot more than the shabby old man who needed his cane for balance that he appeared to be. Light was dejected upon hearing that they would be forced to work with partners and in teams. [color=9966cc][i]I can take care of myself, thank you very much. I don't need anyone else, they will only slow me down.[/i][/color] He thought, arrogantly. Light did know well enought to pay attention as their goal was defined and described. Light rolled his eyes. [color=9966cc][i]"So, their plan is to throw a bunch of armed kids into a wood, filled with hostle nightmares who would gladly tear your intestines out your nose to find a tiny chrystal needle in a leafy haystack and those that survive will be recruited to do even more insane, dangerous, and insanely dangerous things.[/i][/color] He grinned. [color=9966cc][i]Sounds like fun.[/i][/color] He thought. A slight problem then occurred to Light. How will they get down there? His question was soon answered as a kid was launched, sceaming like a girl, but cussing like a sailor into the green abyss below. If Light hadn't known his turn soon, he would have busted out laughing. Light immediately understood he needed to do, and he started calculating force, trajectory and planning his landing in his head. One by one, each were launched, as luck would have it, Light was near the end of the line, and, consequently, one of the last to be launched. He brought his Dynamos out and braced himself, deciding to go in a shallow arc, which should maximize his chances of landing without injury. [i]Twang!!![/i] And, almost before he knew it, the ground lept out from below him and he was flying though the air, like a bird. He soared, actualy laughing alound from the exhilarating feeling of moving at such a fast speed. He felt his upward momentum slow and he started on the downward arc. He leaned back so he feet were infront of him, pointed at the ground and he spread his arms. He directed his five Dynamos to support him, one on each arm, one under each foot, and the fifth on standby. He used his aura to supply the power, and increased their upward thrust. He slowed his fall enough to drop the last couple feet to the ground. He casualy brought his dynamos to hover around his shoulders and he took a look around. The forest was bright, colorful and still. A sleepy chirp of a bird could be heard and a slight wind wound through the undergrowth, rustling leaves and branches. No Grimm or, for that matter, other students could be seen, although all the plants made it difficult to see anymore than several meters away. [i]Some way to see through obsticals would be very useful.[/i] Light thought, and he made a mental note to look into that. He located north, by the sun he could barely see through the trees and set off in that direction.