[center][color=FFD700][h2]Razor WhiteFang - Emerald Forest - Tuesday Morning[/h2][/color][/center] [@Crimson Raven] Razor darted through the forest keeping an eye out for both the Grimm and the other students. He couldn’t take a chance in finding another student and being paired up with them. He needed to keep others safe from his Semblance until he could gain control of it. Razor came to a screeching halt and his eyes widened as he saw the figure standing in front of him. “It can’t be,” Razor said as he stared at his nightmares self he saw last night. It still wore the Grimm mask over its face and he saw the same black liquid drip from the bottom of the mask. He couldn’t see it, but he felt the sadistic crooked smile it wore behind the mask. His nightmare self walked behind a tree and Razor ran followed suit, but when he ran around the tree he saw nothing but open forest. The black liquid that dripped from the bottom of the mask and onto the forest floor was now gone. “Calm down, it’s just a residual from the nightmare. Nothing more and nothing less,” Razor said as he sighed. [i]But what does it mean when a nightmare is seen while you’re a wake? What does it mean[/i]? Razor couldn’t think of it too long and continued to the northern end of the forest. “Just got to make it there and all should be,” Razor said before he slid to a stop and saw the student in front of him. He was a 5’6 male with white hair and wore a white coat and pants with a black and purple shirt under the coat. “Fine” Razor sighed as he rubbed his eyes. “This is just perfect,” Razor sighed. [i]well there goes that plan.[/i]