[u][center][h3][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/89366-in-hunting-beasts-and-monsters/ooc#post-3205108]OOC[/url][/h3][/center][/u] [hr] [u][color=9e0b0f][center][h1]In Hunting Beasts and Nightmares[/h1][/center][/color][/u] [hr] [u][center][b]GM: [color=9e0b0f]TheWindel[/color][/b][/center][/u] [u][center][b]Co-GM:[color=fff200]KoL[/color][/b][/center][/u] [center][img] http://diggingri.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/blue-moon-large.jpg [/img][/center] [color=00aeef][center][i]"Good evening fair Hunter. I trust you've had a pleasant rest?"[/i][/center][/color] [hr] [u][center][h2][color=9e0b0f]The Story So Far...[/color][/h2][/center][/u] [color=Cadetblue]Those were the words that graced your ears when you found yourself awake in the darkness, your head resting on the lap of a young [url= http://i5.pixs.ru/storage/5/7/1/CreaDorose_2937202_5474571.jpg ]girl[/url]. And then, darkness once more. When you awoke a second time, you found yourself lying before an old man and a church. A Hunter was he, and now so are you. You have become a victim of the World of Wasted Dreams. A nightmarish realm that spews out only decrepit mysteries and terrible wonders. A plane of eternal night shrouded in mist, hosting the comfort and audience of twin blue moons. And monsters. All sorts of horrible beasts that roam the World like a ill-ridden plague. Only one town dwells in this land of darkness: Iredele. It is here where the townsfolk treat the occurrences of this rotten place as a way of life. Any one of them could suffer an unruly fate at the hands of their own brethren and they have embraced their own foolish mortality. Likewise, there are some who seek to liberate this World from the creatures that lurk unseen and out of sight. These people are aptly named Hunters in that it is their sole purpose to slay the monsters and purge Iredele of an everlasting nightmare. You are one of those Hunters now. You have no choice in the matter. Regardless of who you used to be in the world of light and sanity, you are tasked to kill for your survival. Perhaps you will find some ancient riddle along the way whose answer is the key to escaping this place. Or you may rot beneath the teeth of some unholy spawn. You remember nothing from your past life before being forced into the World of Wasted Dreams. Nothing at all. Well, except maybe the flickering images of a hospital room. The blood of your predecessors and the smell of your fear attracts only the worst after all…[/color] [hr] [u][center][h2][color=9e0b0f]Information[/color][/h2][/center][/u] [color=Cadetblue]Greetings. This is an RP based and influenced by [s]Bloodborne[/s] a number of things and will mainly focus on the idea of player-driven actions and environments. That is to say, I’m not going to move the story anymore than you all explore it. So I suggest exploring the town of Iredele for your own survival. There are monsters. Many, terrible monsters for you, the Hunter, to slay. Each monster will reveal a clue about the World of Wasted Dreams and an indication to finding a way out. Oh yeah, and this is a remake of an old RP too. So there’s also that. Happy Hunting.[/color] [hider=Magic] [hider=Blood]Blood is the source which binds all living things, man, monster…perhaps even deity. Blood magic can be considered the weakest of the three elements for blood is plentiful in the surrounding world. The more powerful the spell, the richer one’s blood must become. With it, one can heal their allies while also causing horrible inflictions onto their enemies, such as crushing or cutting their foe from the inside out. Do you risk the threat of wasting such precious fluids? Or will you simply collapse from your efforts and become food for the ones that have better use for your blood?[/hider] [hider=Fire]If blood is the body then fire is the soul for fire is what ultimately separates the beast from the Hunter. Fire can only be bent and manipulated, never created or fabricated. This magic requires existing flames in order to cast spells rather than forming fire from nothing; only the gods have that right. Those few with clear minds and strong wills against fear are afraid of being burned by such destructive force. However, such discipline takes time and can take away from the soul and spirit...although it’s still exhausting to control matter outside of the human anatomy.[/hider] [hider=Darkness]Darkness is the boundary between reality and fiction, a rift between dreams and the nightmare. Much like fire, one is granted the power of manipulating the physical shadows around the area. This, in theory, makes it the strongest magic as Iredele is forever covered in eternal night. However, it is also the easiest to go awry as the shadows often host…living residents. By using shadow magic, you are placing yourself at risk in having the nightmares that dwell in the darkness attack you on sight and at any time. For the control over darkness is no magic, but rather the taming of wild beasts and breathing creatures. If one chooses to consider these dark arts, they gain the ability to mold the shadows into physical shapes to guide and assist them in combat. They are also susceptible to being driven insane by the things that lurk in the corner of their eyes.[/hider][/hider] [hider=Iredele][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/UzSnKaA.jpg?1[/img][/center][/hider] [hider=The World of Wasted Dreams][center][img]http://tera.enmasse.com/datastore/images/2012/06/21/17/30/56/593/Poporia_map.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [hr] [u][h2][center][color=9e0b0f]CS Template[/color][/center][/h2][/u] [u][center][b][color=9e0b0f]Note: Although Iredele is a town with a Dark Ages setting, your character was plucked away from modern times. Please keep in mind that in the real world, your character is an Average Joe.[/color][/b][/center][/u] [hider=CS] [b]Name: [/b] (Self-Explanatory.) [b]Gender:[/b] (Same as above.) [b]Age: [/b] (There's no limit to this one. Just know that you're probably going to get killed if you're a ten-year old Hunter.) [b]Appearance:[/b] (Regardless of who your character used to be, you're a Hunter now. Good gear means less time in scrubbing your remains away.) [b]Magic:[/b] (Magic does exist in the World of Wasted Dreams but comes at a price. The only elements that exist include Fire, Blood, and Shadow. Any magic user immediately draws ill omen to their character.) [b]Weapon:[/b] (Your Hunter can carry up to three weapons at a time, ideally a blade, a firearm, and something special. Keep in mind that Iredele is a backwards land so only old century weapons are permitted.) [b]Personality:[/b] (2-3 paragraphs is ideal, but we're not gonna deny you if you can only get one out.) [b]Bio:[/b] (As your Hunter cannot remember their time spent in the real world, their bios can be as vague or detailed as you want. However, all characters must include reference or mention to a hospital in their bio.) [b]Other: [/b] (Anything the above didn't already cover.)[/hider] [hr] [u][h2][center][color=9e0b0f]Regulations[/color][/center][/h2][/u] [hider=Rules] 1. No Godmodding. 2. Although there is no posting order, I strongly recommend that you wait at least two turns before posting again. In other words, no speedposting. If there is constant interaction between characters back and forth, please take the time to collab instead of clogging up the IC. 3. Although you all start out relatively alone, relationships between characters are strongly encouraged. Makes it more amusing to both me and my Co-GM. 4. Discussion in the OOC is nice, but if there is prolonged heated argument, take it in the PMs. Otherwise, I will solve the problem....quickly. 5. RPers who suddenly lose interest or leave without saying anything are discouraged. I strongly suggest you either inform me or the Co-GM of your leave of absence. If it’s an emergency, then at least tell us it is. We're reasonable people. 6. No controlling other people's characters. On that note, no killing other people's characters unless you have permission. 7. If you have any problems, questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to either let me or KoL know. 8. Have fun. Or I will make you have fun 0)_(0[/hider]