As Yutaro expected, the cafe began to fill up quickly with what seemed like half the city. It was fortunate that he was an early riser, because the drowsy droves that were shambling in now would have a hard time finding anywhere to sit. Then again, a shortage of seats would give people an excuse to sit with one of the many cute singles that seemed to be taking up the majority of the place... but Yutaro wasn't so shy that he needed to resort to such tactics. If he wanted to talk to someone, he would just talk to them. What was the worst thing they could do? Make fun of him? Yutaro worked in customer service too long for insults to even register with him anymore. Now if cute girls were prone to whipping out machetes if guys upset them that would be a different story, but since this wasn't Hinamizawa, Yutaro figured he wouldn't have to worry about that. [i][color=ec008c]Hi, I'm guessing you want a coffee right? I bet the job at the casino demands a lot of energy, so I'll get you something strong kay?[/color][/i] There it was, the perky voice he'd been waiting to hear. When their eyes met, he half-smiled, obscuring the fact that he found her absolutely gorgeous with the possibility that he may simply be in a good mood. "Hey, that's a pretty good guess," he said, letting his grin widen just a bit. He considered changing his order to a cup of tea, which still had plenty of caffeine in it, just to tease her, but the huge crowd she suddenly had to serve made him decide to be merciful and just let her be right. "Sure, strong is good, and leave it black. Just make sure you sweeten it up with that pretty smile of yours." He gave her a quick wink and let her serve the other customers. After all, it was foolish to think he could have an extended conversation with her while she had a job to do. However, with a crowd like this there were plenty of other people to chat with, providing their moods were amicable. One such person was sitting at the bar just one seat away from him, ordering her coffee the same way he liked it (minus the pretty smile). She wore high-quality clothing and a vibrant scarf that screamed personality. Her demeanor seemed to be that of a woman who [i]really[/i] wanted, no NEEDED, her coffee, but Yutaro caught a glimpse of the playful grin she gave the bartender and decided she might be worth talking to. "I see I've met a fellow coffee purist," he said, shifting in his seat and leaning a tad closer to Ryoki so they could talk. Even though the woman seemed to have a more or less pleasant air about her, it was impossible for any human to hide the fact that they were still waking up... especially when they sat down and promptly ordered a coffee. "So, is this damage control from last night, or do you wrestle with every morning?" It wasn't a particularly witty opening line, but at least it would help him get to know her a little better... and it would reveal whether or not she minded being teased a little. [@Dynamo Frokane] [@Delta44]