[@AbysmalDemon] Let me know what you think! [hider=My Character] Name: Marieka Valentine Age: 19 [img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/5101/f/2011/212/3/c/sad_dark_skin_anime_girl_by_animeninjaassassin-d429ub5.jpg[/img] Personality: Marieka is generally soft-spoken, although her quiet nature should not be mistaken for shyness. She is always thinking, and has so many thoughts whirling around in her head at any given time that sometimes she finds it hard to focus on just one subject; which is why she prefers to listen more than she speaks. She has a dreamer’s heart, but is very realistic and self-sufficient. She used to wear her heart on her sleeve, but tended to be taken advantage of; so now, she masks her emotions instead of letting herself feel freely. Marieka hopes to someday find a romantic connection, but it’s not her first priority. In fact, she has learned to be cautious in the face of relationships, and finds it hard to let anyone in. She is intelligent, independent, intellectual, and introspective. History: Marieka was an imaginative child. She loved Pokemon and fairy tales and stories, and was always drawing Pokemon and writing about the adventures she longed to have in some far-off place. Her father left when she was 13, leaving behind Marieka, her mother, and her little sisters, 5-year-old twins; as well as no explanation and no assistance. Marieka’s mother worked hard to give her daughters everything they ever needed, although Marieka’s perception of the world was deeply hurt by her father’s departure. She did her best to help her mom with the twins and with taking care of their little family, and learned to be compassionate and humble, although she also had intense experiences with self-worth issues, loneliness, anger, and sadness. As it often does, tragedy struck at the worst possible moment. At age 16, when Marieka was doing extremely well in school with a career ahead of her as a Pokemon Doctor, Marieka’s mom fell ill. Everything fell on Marieka’s shoulders. She had to drop out of school and work three jobs to pay for her mother’s medical bills and her now 8-year-old sisters’ needs. She did everything she could to get her mother back on her feet and ensure a better future for her sisters than what she had wound up with. She didn’t know how she did it all, but she knew that she had to do for her family what her father had failed to. Finally, her mom recovered, and things settled down. Marieka could finally breathe again. She realized that she wasn’t bitter about her lot in life; she didn’t blame anyone for what she’d had to go through. But as soon as her family was taken care of, she scraped together all of her savings and set out to start a new beginning for herself. Traveling away from home was something that was long overdue. Deciding at last on the Fordis Region, she left, ready to receive a Pokemon and start on the journey she’d dreamed of since she was a child. Team: Dratini - Level 8 - Bold - Marvel Scale - Wrap, Thunder Wave, Dragon Breath, Aqua Jet Bag: Misc: Medicine: TMs/HMs: Berries: Key Items: [/hider]