[h2][color=ed1c24][center]Yami Crimson - Patch - Tuesday Morning/center][/color][/h2] Yami awoke from his sleep, a sudden cramp came to the back of his neck which made Yami grab it in pain. He slept in such a uncomfortable position that his whole body was sore all over. The cramp in Yami's neck went away slowly, and as soon as it did Yami grabbed the top of the guard rail and pulled himself upwards. Yami instantly felt the side effects of sleeping on the hard ground in a sitting position, his legs nearly gave out as they both fell asleep during the night. The soreness in his neck hadn't gone away, which made Yami groan lightly. Why had he fallen asleep outside, in the least comfortable position ever. A better question is how did he stay asleep the whole night without ever waking up once? Yami walked his legs off for a bit, trying to get them back to their regular selves while also stretching his limbs out. He was still sore all over, but the soreness went down tremendously. Yami grabbed all the things he left out during the night and put them back into his backpack as he threw it back over his body onto his back. The weight of his crossbow hitting his back harder than expected, which made him scuff in surprise. Today just wasn't his day. Yami exited the ship, while Ironwood was in the middle of debriefing the mission to all the other students. His ability to not be noticed by people and sneak up people was a blessing in disguise sometimes because he knew Ironwood would've chewed him out if he noticed him slide in.[color=8493ca]"Right. Now let's not waste any time. Seperate yourselves into pairs and decide who will be going where. I'll be waiting for the two who will accompany me to Signal. You have five minutes"[/color] was the only part that Yami caught onto, which wasn't much to go off on. Yami grabbed at his neck again, the soreness was still there and bothersome. Yami could barely turn his head left or right without putting a strain on it. Fern, the team leader of FRST came over to Paris and told him what she thought of the mission in general. Yami quietly walked up behind Paris, trying not to get their attention while he tried to listen in to the conversation, trying to pick up on what they were actually doing. After what Fern said to Paris, Yami started to form what the mission was all about. Seemed like they would all split up into groups of two as they all went to different locations across the island in which they would help the villagers anyway they could. Yami listened in as his fellow teammate Carlin joined in the discussion, Yami looked at Carlin as she started and she seemed to look like a shell of herself. Her usual vibrant flowers on her head seemed to lose a little color, and she just seemed like she had gotten the hell beat out of her the whole boat ride. At least Yami wasn't the only one that had a rough ride, he smiled at the thought as he rolled his neck in a circle trying to force the soreness out. Lastly came his final teammate, Heather who was just a mess. Yami gave her a arched eyebrow, trying to figure out what happened to her. While he was doing this, Heather fidgeted around trying to find the words to apologize as she tried to fix herself. Yami started to laugh lightly, as he watched her fix just about every part of clothing she had on. Paris in his ever so caring nature asked if she was alright, which was met with more stuttering and fidgeting. She gave a pretty valid excuse as she bent down to tie her boots, Yami was watching her the whole time and something felt off. Yami shrugged it off though, if Heather was lying she had her reasons and if it was something major she would come to each of them about it. Heather started to fix her pigtails as she asked [color=a2d39c]"So... uh... are we in teams or pairs?... You know for... the... mission?"[/color] Yami finally spoke up as he answered her, his hand still attached to the back of his sore neck. [color=ed1c24]"Pairs.. I be-believe."[/color] Yami chuckled nervously as he looked away from his teammates. [color=ed1c24]"It.. It'sOkayHeatherIWasLateToo.[/color] Yami said very quickly, changing the subject completely. Yami had no idea how to be outgoing or comforting in the least, and his awkwardness just blurted that out at a random point. Trying to comfort Heather in Yami's mind was a good way to come out of his shell, but as soon as he said that his face turned bright red. Embarrassed he even attempted it, Yami looked down at his feet, still having a grip on his neck this time moving it around trying to massage the pain away. [color=ed1c24]"Wh-What are the pairs anyways? Ir-Ironwood said we only had 5 minutes to decide..[/color]