"What, can't pull moisture from the air? Any half decent Water Bender can manage that," Katsu shot back, sticking his tongue out childishly even if Siku couldn't see him. Tch, maybe he would learn them now just to spite her, wouldn't that be fun? He'd be better than she was and then he could rub it in her face, that alone made it worth putting in the effort. Seriously though could Siku just come off of her high horse for one moment and learn to take a joke? It's not like he was being lecherous and grabbing her or anything, he'd made a comment in jest and got a sword to the neck as a result, talk about overreacting. Maybe he'd just be better off talking with Asha from hereon out, worst she could do was blow some wind and ruffle his hair. Gung-Li was a beautiful place to live, Katsu surmised as much just from his first glance alone. Despite being a resident of Republic City for many years now he vastly preferred rural spaces like this, where everyone knew one another and got on well. It was reminiscent of his own home actually, a thought which gave the Avatar a slight pang in his chest at considering. Someday he would have to return home, even if unannounced, just to see how his parents were doing; would they be happy to see him? Angry? Disappointed? It would be a very uneasy meeting to be sure and there would be dozens of questions to be answered, yet he felt he needed that peace of mind at some point. For now though this was good enough to act as a stand-in, however temporary it might be. After being in the city for so long he'd forgotten how warm a small town was, and Katsu almost wanted to suggest they spend the night, leave in the morning instead. Or maybe even tomorrow night, just to have some more time here. "Sure thing, I could use a good meal right about now," Katsu said with a grin, glancing down as Koinu poked his head up through the neck of his shirt, "So can my little buddy, we'll get you a big steak! Siku's treat!" Heh, if it was for him she'd sooner skewer him with that dao than feed him, but surely she wasn't going to refuse his pet? Smirking smugly at the Water Bender he followed along as they descended into the town, being taken in by the sights and sounds of a bustling little village; vendors peddling their wares in the final moments of business, families running to and fro to get home or to fetch dinner, children enjoying the weaning sunlight. He'd love to be able to just live like this again, not have to worry about any Avatar crap or any of that nonsense. Maybe later he'd sneak off just to walk around a little, enjoy himself some. "There is [i]nothing[/i] around here! Even my home town had some stuff worth seeing," Katsu voiced aloud, unknowingly speaking to Siku's woes as they wandered about. Not a single inn yet, and no large charter ships like those in Republic City for transit. At best they could probably get a fisherman to take them across, though that was asking an awful lot for such a small vessel. If they could just get lucky enough and find a decent craft then they could somehow pay for it, yet so far there was no obvious signs of anything they could use. Sighing to himself he wondered it they should consider traveling further inland, maybe they could find a larger town and go from there. That might be a decent plan, but it would have to wait. A distressing sound grabbed the group's attention just then, the sound of a child crying, and it simply could not be ignored. Were it an adult or even someone their age he might turn a blind eye, but Katsu didn't have it in him to ignore some kid. Frowning uncertainly he started walking towards the source of the crying, taking cautious glances down each street they passed as if paranoid something more might be going on. "Hey kid...? What's wrong, why you crying?"