Continued:A fool and a God 001 Thrum wandered back, through the village gates, largely ignoring the immaculate stares on his current neighbours faces as he strode by, only pausing to causally kick the horse keepers dung bucket as he went by. That man reminded him to much of the horses he served, and Thrum wasn't all to keen on horses either. He turned into the Mermaid's tavern and noted the hush of voices as he walked in, turning only to grin and jump slightly towards the young lads sitting by the door. WIth the sound of a clatter and a thud behind him he goes to the stairs and up to his room. The old maiden was up the stairs sweeping the floor and was the first to only give him a vague look before returning to her duties, seeing more sense in it than staring at a resurrected old man, probably did something bad to your eyes.